00: Not a Normal Day

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"Stupid alarm clock."

PROCELLA GROANED AS SHE COVERED HER head with a cushion that now served its purpose as a shield from the ringing noise of the black rectangular-shaped alarm clock by her bedside. When she realized that it wasn't going to stop anytime soon, she tossed her pillow off the bed and raised her head tiredly, her grey hair was now sticking all over the place. Instead of reaching for the device, she eyed it and gave her finger, which was now covered by a small static of blue electricity, a flick and the alarm clock stopped beeping. Or maybe stopped working. She didn't care, her eyes were slightly wide at the glowing red 7:23 of her clock. She threw the blankets off of her and raced towards her closet, her eyes scanning the clothes that were hung before she settled with a plain white shirt, tucked in inside her dark blue jeans, and a denim jacket. 

Today was going to be an ordinary day, or so she thought.

As she hastily ate her cereal dry- seeing that she had no time to add fresh milk, she grabbed her notebooks and aimed towards her opened-backpack, successfully shooting each and every one of them.

Her mother wasn't home, which was expected. Procella thought she was probably somewhere around Earth, keeping hurricanes and tornados at bay, or perhaps she was at Jupiter, trying to calm down some of its thunderstorms. But whatever it was, her mother was busy helping everyone out and she had no right to stop her. After all, she wanted to help out too. But she wished her mother spent more time with her.

"Shit, shit, I'm late," she cursed silently, even taking a second to lightly slap the side of her lips for such language.

Rushing over to put on her sneakers, she tied the lace as hurriedly as she could, and then grabbed her backpack, zipping it close. But as she stomped towards the front door, the doorbell suddenly rang. The noise made her cease her footsteps, slowing down to stand in front of the white wooden door. It confused her, was she expecting anyone? It couldn't possibly be her mother, she had the keys to the house so why would she bother to ring the house's doorbell? 

Three knocks pulled her away from her thoughts as she stared warily at the door again. The tips of her right hand's fingers were buzzing with blue static, ready to attack just in case. But as another knock came, she finally opened the door.

There stood a woman in a suit, her skin tone was dark unlike Procella's pale figure, dark midnight hair that reached her shoulders and her expression was serious as she noticed the young girl's hand. "No need to be on guard, Miss Storm."

Storm. It was the superhero name that her mother had chosen for her way back when she was only a child. Her real name was rarely used, and it was intended. And now, it is what I, the writer, and you, the readers, would start to call her from now on.

"Who are you?" the girl instantly asks.

"Agents of the Heroics Headquarters," the woman answered, taking out her ID, opening it as she shows it to her. The gold letter H twinkled from the ray of the sun, and the young girl easily recognized it as a real ID. Her mother might not be at home for the most time, but she certainly did teach her a couple of things. "You'll need to come with us."

And so a trip in a black car began, with Storm definitely not worrying about missing school for once but wondered what in the world was going on. Why was she being taken by agents? Where are they headed? But as she stared out the car window, she narrowed her eyes at the sight of a strange-looking robot in the sky. Was it a robot? It could be.

Something was going on, and she had no clue what it was.

She was taken to the Headquarters, which she should have guessed first considering agents of the same headquarters were the ones who had taken her from her house. But as she stepped out of the car, a grin made its way to her face knowing that she can use this excuse as to why she skipped school today. But she was still confused about why she was here. The logical assumption would be because of those robots in the sky, who seem to have multiplied when she checked again.

The head of the heroics program had greeted her with a professional smile. Storm was in awe about how pretty the lady still looked like even after not meeting her for a long time, she had met her during one of the times her mother had visited the headquarters. Her ring-like earrings dangling and shining, short hair swaying, and high-heels confidently clinking at each footstep as she led the way.

"Welcome to the Heroics Headquarters, we are glad that you could join us today, Storm," Ms. Granada starts as they passed by many workers and agents, two bodyguards trailed from behind as they continued to walk. The young girl couldn't even speak when the lady cut to it first, "You will be staying in our underground stronghold, where children of the superheroes are kept safe while their parents are off fighting enemy forces. We can't afford any of you to fall into the enemy's hands."

A vault-like kind of door stood in front of them as one of the bodyguards opened it for them, but as they stepped inside, Storm groaned loudly at the sight of a kid who was sitting only two tables away.

"You have got to be kidding me."

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