02: Introductions, again

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"Hello, I'm Wheels."

AND THERE GOES HIM AGAIN, STORM couldn't even bother to sit up and freely go around the classroom anymore. She was like a battery, needed to be recharged, and all she had to do was sit tight and maybe take a one-minute or two-minute nap. She could hear him talk to the new girl that sat right in front of her, the long wavy-haired girl seemed to try minding her business but of course, the blonde-haired boy wouldn't want that just yet. The tables were separated in a distance and with purpose, but that couldn't stop Noodles, who was talking to Facemaker and sat behind Storm, to stretch his neck out without difficulty. 

"Sup, Storm," he greets once his head stretched past. The grey-haired girl chuckled and waved hello at him before taking a small shut-eye nap. When he reaches the two, his curious eyes darted from the two of them. "So, Wheels, who's your new friend?"

"Missy, this is Noodles. We call him that because, well-"

The curly-haired boy's head stayed put as this time, it was his body who left his seat and ran towards them, his head- or body- back to its shape. Missy almost leaned backward in surprise but answered, "He stretches and twists around like a Noodle?"

"Yeah, basically," Noodles nodded.

"And that's Ojo," the blonde-haired pointed at the girl who now sat on top of the new girl's table. Missy almost jumped again, startled upon seeing another kid near her, but she regains herself and curiously looked at the iPad then at the girl. "Her power is she's a genius drawer-"

"Still not a power," a voice looms over to them.

"Okay, not a power somehow. But she's like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali," Wheels continues to explain, while the new girl confusedly turned to look around, wondering who in the world was the new voice that spoke just a second ago.

"Did you guys hear someone else talking?" Missy turned to the other two boys, who in response looked at her weirdly as they were in the middle of a loud ruckus. She shook her head, dropping the thought but she was sure that Wheels responded to the voice. She turns towards the silent girl, tapping her shoulder once she stood up making Ojo look at her. "Can I see that?"

Ojo silently handed the iPad to her, Missy begins to swipe through the drawings and stopped at one. "A kid standing on top of floating chairs?" the silent girl nodded with a smile, the new girl swiped again and turned to her, "An exploding exercise ball?"

"Nothing she draws makes sense," Wheels utters, with the curly-haired boy nodding in agreement.

With one last swipe, another drawing flashed on the screen. "Is that me?" Missy questions, as she turns the iPad to face the silent girl. "Why'd you draw me in front of the class?"

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