08: Time to Make Amends

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"I am not gonna go easy on you."

THE MIDNIGHT-HAIRED BOY REMARKS AS he shakes his arms carefully, standing on the plastic rope that was tied between two trees. It was hard to balance at first but he got the hang of it quickly, and why wouldn't he? From the moment he was stopped from sparring with the grey-haired girl moments ago, his ego was slowly rebuilt up to the point where he thinks he can go on a one on one against her again. His request was accepted and here they were, but this time they would have to put their equilibrium to the test. He was ready, of course, he was, but it was until the girl stepped on the hanging blue line that made the determined expression on his face to wipe off.

Like instantly.

He was quiet all of the sudden. Not sure whether or not he should address it. The girl stood there, eyes fixedly burning with persistence, however, it was clear there was something off. Of course, he would know, it was something that he grew to learn from time to time when they were still close: before they got into a misunderstanding and became enemies. He wasn't as observant as Storm, but to see her curled pinky finger suddenly twitching involuntarily, her tongue poking the inside side of her cheek, or how her shoulders were tense, something was definitely wrong.

They were just standing there. Storm was waiting for him to do something, but he didn't budge. Instead, his back slowly straightened up cautiously, arms dropping near his waist. Giving it his shot, he cleared his throat and it made the girl raise an eyebrow. 

"Hey uh, I um, well ar- are you okay?" he awkwardly questions, rubbing the back of his neck.

It was a silence that surprisingly greeted him like a wave, he expected a sarcastic remark, or something witty just as she always does, but nothing came out. Her eyebrows didn't furrow like what he anticipated, it leisurely relaxed and she dropped down her defensive posture. The way she bit her lower lip and how her eyes avoided his, showed that she was thinking about what to say. Words, possible sentences, letters, and punctuations tried filled gaps and rearranged themselves, forming and erasing, her mouth opened to say something but it shut close once again. After what it seemed like forever, she released a sigh.

"I don't know."

His forehead was creased in puzzlement at her words, it was like a clock was ticking inside his mind, annoying him to no end. "Look, if you're that worried about me finally defeating you, then I don't seriou-"

"I'm in the middle of thinking, dumbass. And I'm not afraid to beat you in a fight, you out of all people should know me better than that. Don't make me give you some sympathy," She scoffed, crossing her arms but managed to stay stable on the string of rope. "What's up with you?"

"What's up with me? What's up with you?"

Storm counters. "What's up with the sudden change of heart?"

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