04: Bolt for Freedom

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"No one leave your seats. As long as you stay where you are, you are all safe."

MS. GRANADA SPOKE FROM THE TV MONITOR, the authority in her tone made Storm realized that it was more serious than they thought it would. A few seconds ago after it was declared that the Heroics have fallen, the president of the nation, Neil Anami, had announced that they were bringing military forces to bring their parents back but almost everyone knew that it was rather hopeless, even the president himself said so. For everyone to know, he had also announced a message from the aliens that had been decoded. Three hours. Just before their take-over.

But it was weird- to Storm, at least- for the president to announce the message world-wide. Wouldn't it send people into a full-panic mode? Or was it intended?

As the TV moved higher, Noodles huffed, gesturing at the screen then glanced at the grey-haired girl beside him and to everyone. "Yeah right, they can't protect us from that. We just saw it."

"You got a better idea?" said Wild Card with a raised eyebrow, arms crossed once again.

The little one still had a somber expression, she was only about seven years of age, both of her parents were captured and all she could do was hope that they would be alright. Her tiny hand was playing with the edge of the table, but nonetheless, speaks up for everyone. "We should probably do what Miss Granada said."

Storm bit her lower lip in thought, should they really stay here? Staying put wasn't exactly her agenda, and with her mother taken captive, it wasn't the best idea to do nothing. Well, for her. Luckily, there was someone who shared the same thought like her. As she glanced at the wavy-haired girl in front of her, whose body was turned to face the others, she could see her hand being almost as jittery as hers, before Missy finally bursts.

"Uh, pardon me, but-"

She was only cut off when Facemaker glumly starts, "The last look on my dad's face will haunt me forever," Noodles and the girl beside him turned to look at him as he imitated the petrified look they saw on TV. Storm wanted to laugh, but she knew she had to hold herself from doing so.

"What do they want from us?" A Capella voices out the question from her mind, not just from them, the children, but from the people around the planet that were currently still alive. "Do you think our parents are okay?" Rewind also questions, both of them sharing the same disheartened tones, except what the male twin had asked made everyone think.

"Uh, excuse me?" Missy interrupts, but still being polite as her voice echoes throughout.

Rolling his eyes, Wild Card tilted his head, grumbling, "What?"

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