01: Underground Stronghold

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"My eyes aren't broken, but what is he doing here?"

STORM DEMANDED RATHER CALMLY BUT her voice echoed throughout the stronghold- to her, it seemed like a classroom- making five other kids who sat there silently, looked up to see the new arrival. One of them, who sat at the corner end out of all the tables he could have chosen, let out a small scoff when he realized who it was. He may have not seen her for a few months, but he could always identify her grey eyes and hair no matter what. Wild Card dropped the book titled Physics, one that he was pretending to be reading, and rested his cheek unto his fist. He returned her annoyed glare, but he knew that it could never compare to the female's glare that could likely bury him alive.

"Long time no see," his tone was blank, but she could see the amused glint in his eyes. "Thought the long hair suited you, moron."

She did nothing, only stood there. Her eyes started to glow a fade aquamarine green as she glared towards the boy, lightning of colored blue appeared on top of her head as she did so, circling like a flower crown as the lights of the room started to flicker on and off. The kids in the room glanced around in awe, but when Storm flicked her finger towards Wild Card's way, he let out a screech when he felt a small shock of something tingling inside of him, one that he would describe as electricity running through his veins as if there was a current flow that existed from his hand and to his feet. She had done this to him before, it had been months but he wasn't unfamiliar with it. Yet he couldn't stop himself from falling off the chair in incredulity.

With how long the previous paragraph is, you may or may not have thought that it happened within a minute or so, but to them, it only occurred less than five seconds.

"Alright, that's enough," Ms. Granada sternly orders, her arms crossed in an intimidating way. But the young girl didn't even look at her, her eyes stopped glimmering as it turned to their original grey color, the statics on her head had ceased, and the light bulbs of the room stopped flickering.

Wild Card immediately stood up, dusting the back of his pants and the black shirt he wore as he glared back at her. "Show-off. You just love the attention, do you? The heck was that for?!"

"Oh, that? That was nothing, I just missed you," the grey-headed thoughtlessly waved her hand, a tone with sarcasm practically dripping from it that made the midnight-haired boy roll his eyes. 

"Why thank you very much for thinking about me."
"Please, that would be a waste of my time."

The female director sighed, a thought had slipped from her mind about the two of them. Both of their parents had warned her about the heated hatred between the two, no one knows, not even their own parents knew why they ever did so. Two that had shared a close relationship had been shattered, but in an intensity that no one knew if they could ever make up. She knew there was just something between them, but it would not blossom if the two continue on to bicker and blabber like five-year-olds. 

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