14: Specialty: Ass-Kicking pt. 2

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WARNING! Not so long descriptive paragraphs of action scenes!

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WARNING! Not so long descriptive paragraphs of action scenes!


"Come on, everyone! Time to show these guys what we're made of."

MISSY ENCOURAGED WITH A CONFIDENT tone, bending her knees a bit and hands curled into a fist, shifting her body into a fighting stance position, with everyone else doing the same. The creatures growled and hissed maliciously, also preparing themselves to attack once their cue was on. The grey-headed stood behind their leader, turning her powers back on like switching a lever, blue-ish streaks all over her hair and hands. Everyone was ready to attack.

"No doubt about it, it's a good day to save the world," muttered the grey-haired girl.


The door was harshly opened by slimy purplish tentacles, and as Wild Card nonchalantly swished his head around to see, he lowly grinned at the sight of the wrecked door. "Come on in, it's broken. I mean, it's open," he casually joked.

Even snickering at the end knowing that the grey-headed would probably laugh at it if she was with him at the moment, but currently he's entrusted with an important job that left the others fighting Ojo's awesome minion creatures. But hey, at least he was about to fight a batch of aliens alone. He turned his whole body around and watched as the alien bodyguards entered along with Miss Granada, tentacles on display.

"Wild Card, you have to keep those shields down."

"Don't worry, Missy. I'm on it," the midnight-haired boy replied upon pressing the mic button and then lets go of it.

Exasperatedly, he almost stared in disbelief when Miss Granada bent her knees down a little, hands on the side, and a mocking expression that settled on her features as she said, "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, hm? Turn into a bowling ball?"

"Sure, if that's what I want. I can control my powers now," Wild Card declared assertively, standing there in front of the aliens, silently eyeing them in case they did anything stupid while he was about to say his speech. Although he only tested his power once earlier- which were telepathic waves to know which way he was supposed to go to get to the control room, it was enough to give him another boost of confidence. "Finally coming in terms of peace with my old best friend and working with Missy helped me realize that I was so busy trying to prove everyone else wrong when I should have been concentrating on proving myself right. Storm believed in me since the start. Missy also believes in me too. And now, I believe in myself."

Still taunting him, the female alien continued, "Oh right. And you think that's enough. Believing in yourself."

"You tell me," the boy grinned, but before he could fully face to fight them. He backed away with a step, raising one finger. "Just give me a second."

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