12: A Spy Among Us

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"All part of the process, I suppose."

ONE OF THE MEN WHO WERE RIGHT BELOW them said, a knowing look on his face as they all exited, including the president.  Storm deeply frowned at the new-found information that sank in her mind, yet it hit her when she remembered the part of the news where the President spoke about decoding a message from the aliens. Was it that easy to decode or did he already understand it from the very start? There could be countless reasons as to why Neil Anami was here in the mothership. He could just be someone who was greedy with power and was not satisfied with his position, or maybe he was already working with the aliens long before he was president meaning he could be an alien as well. Her theories could not be proven yet as she did not know the context of whatever he uttered out, but one thing was for sure, she was just as confused as everyone else. 

"What is that thing?" Facemaker questions out of nowhere, even when knowing that nobody was going to answer it.  Well, except for someone of course.

"That thing, I believe, is the Pyramid of Giza."

"It is not!" Wild Card argued. The grey-headed only rolled her eyes, and the midnight-haired boy then faced his front, warily eyeing the odd-looking pyramid. "You heard him, it's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens. In less than an hour, they'll send it down to Earth and start the take-over."

"Or maybe they wanted to add another pyramid down on Earth and this whole thing is just fake," Storm blurted out, but her voice was tied up with sarcasm in it. It was intentional as if to test his patience, the two turned their heads to each other, a daring gleam in her eyes that made the midnight-haired boy suck in his breath. He fought back with a rather bold look in his eyes, gathering all of his might, he leaned his face closer towards her, but she didn't even budge. She quirked an eyebrow at his action and finally backed away with hands on the air, eyes still locked in contact. "Alright, fine, I'll stop."

"Please do."

"It was just a theory."

There was an uncanny atmosphere that suddenly surrounded them, but whatever it was, they were suddenly uncomfortable. Missy cleared her throat. "Well, we have to go and put an end to this."

"Right. Let's go," said Wheels, nodding his head in agreement as they all turned around to exit.

But just by their surprise, the odd-looking doors automatically slid open as a familiar face greeted them. It really was a surprise, a shock even, they widened their eyes and immediately paused in their steps, like the kind of look a kid can express when caught doing something he or she wasn't supposed to. In stepped the woman whose intimidating posture and false smile clearly showing with two of her other bodyguards from behind her. 

"Do you children have any idea what you have done? Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside-down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space?" Miss Granada hummed after that, looking down at them with a chided expression. Everyone either gulped or froze tensely at the anticipating penalty for their actions, leaning against the railings of the balcony. However, her frown instantly shifted, now smiling at them rather proudly. She let out an unexpected squeal and dropped the tone of rebuke, "Well done! Looks like we underestimated your abilities and leadership qualities. You took a huge risk, but it was the right risk."

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