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This was a last-minute decision, but here we are. It turns out that some of you are still confused about what's going on or what really happened. Some readers have messaged me things like, "Will Wild Card and Storm ever meet again?" or "Not sure who the new storm is?" or "Wasn't her hair grey and not white?"

Listen here, people. Go read the postface again, somewhere around the near end that would explain the plot twist then come back here.

Okay, you're done reading the postface? Good.

Storm is the equivalent of two souls: Procella (the original soul) and Ashlynn (the lost soul).

From Chapter Fifteen, The Ancient One has been looking for Ashlynn and went dimension-hopping since her existence was still needed in the Marvel Universe. 

In a single dimension, there are many alternative universes of one original universe. Each alternative universe is created based on the many "what ifs" especially on situations and on choices. And what's more is that, the fanfics that we, the writers, basically make end up being "special" alternative universes.

The reason they're considered "Special" is because of the fact that they are literally created for the sake of the OCs we inserted. And if the OC crumbles, so does its universe. 

The Ancient One can't directly take Storm with her since it would basically destroy her universe, she needs to wait for that rare opportunity where the original soul and the lost soul slightly separate. And that can happen only happen during the ending of the story. 

Storm discovered in chapter fifteen about the purpose of her existence, the merged soul inside her body, and the existence of other universes. But the automatic response to that is a self-existential crisis, the merged soul inside of Storm was denying everything. At that moment, the Ancient One realized that having the merged soul separate was a very risky move. This is why she agreed to give Storm more time to stay, just until the end of the book.

The Ancient One kinda took her memory of Chapter fifteen, cuz having to remember is risky too.

But Storm sort of unconsciously remembers. Yeah, you guys noticed more fourth-wall breaks in the few last chapters, no?

Once the merged soul had become two once again, the universe is forced to reset at the epilogue. The universe went right back to the start of the story. Only this time, it's how the original story was supposed to start. She had white hair right from the very start, not grey.

IdyllicTwomura, to answer your question: No, Wild Card and Storm basically can't meet again. But he got Procella now, and hey, at least they didn't start as enemies, just best friends that trust each other. And possibly turn into something more, who knows. 

And Ashlynn can go back to Tony and his power-ranger friends. Oh wait, I meant Avengers. Right lol

I apologize for making a story that had a simple start but with a complicated ending, but again, thank you for reading! If you got any more questions, just comment right down and I'll do my best to answer most of them!

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