05: Bolt for Freedom pt. 2

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"I should have electrocuted you when I had the chance."

STORM'S SUDDEN IRRITATED TONE DAWNS over the guard whose hand was inches away from the alarm button and in response, he almost whimpered in fright. Rewind had winded back time to the part where the wavy-haired girl had mentioned something about leaving their expert care or so so, but instead of last time, they were able to avoid imprisonment and self-capturing with Wheels and Noodles following her instructions from earlier: the blonde-haired male had to use his own wheelchair to run over the guard's leg while the curly-brown haired cuffed the man who was groaning in agony, his other arm stretched out long to yank off the coat of the guard with the red tie and also cuffed his hands before he could do anything.

Missy beamed before gesturing for everyone, "C'mon, let's go!"

They hopped past the guards who stared incapable of doing anything, with Storm even waving a small wave of goodbye. As they neared the vault-like door, Wheels immediately instructs everyone to form a single-file line, like during a fire drill, which was smart in the grey-haired girl's book. "We'll be questioned less," the blonde-haired said.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" the wavy-haired girl ushers them all, with Noodles leading the line and everyone following from behind. Missy, Storm, and Wild Card were the last people in the room, the trio heard the familiar ruckus inside the ventilation shaft and turned around to witness the purple tentacles bursting out, sending the green fan into pieces. It snarled hideously, making them shiver in disgust yet also in relief.

Wild Card turns to the two, blankly. "Beginner's luck."

Missy gave him a glare, before sauntering out. The grey-haired girl and the male met in eye contact, a knowing look on his face that made her look away as they both take their leave. Everyone else was waiting just outside, looking at the three who were closing the door shut with uncomplaining looks and clearly waiting for the next set of instructions. They formed a line, just like what Wheels had said, as the wavy-haired girl yells out, "Noodles! Stretch and make yourself tall!"

The curly-haired male puts on the dark-blue uniform as they started to walk, stretching his body in compliance as everyone followed him in a line. He looked taller, like an adult's average height, but his youthful facial structure can make anyone blink twice at the fake guard that the teens and kid had started to tail from behind. 

"Greetings, fellow grown-ups," Noodles addresses with a low tone when a lady with eyeglasses passed by, in which she responded with a, "Hey."

But she suddenly stares in confusion as they all passed by her without a glance, "Hold on one second," she uttered, but when they didn't stop she called out, "Hey!"

It was only for a moment when red lights started to flicker, an alarm blaring once again and it made Storm think that someone had pushed another button, perhaps because of the lady that finally noticed them escape or seen the aliens herself in perturbation, but whatever the reason was, they had to run. They have to be away from the headquarters. Right now.

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