09: Tunnels and Plans

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"We do work in the same organization. It'd be nice if you communicated."

BLINDING FAST GESTURES IN A LARGE curve wave with his two hands and then does a speaking motion with a single hand, eyes earnestly darting from each of the couple- Sharkboy, who was sitting there being as sulky as he could get, and Lavagirl, whose hand was holding the cold metal armrest of where the King of the Ocean was sitting. Long story short, they were captured and were imprisoned in this indestructible room. It didn't just hold the three alone, there were also other adults- let me just rephrase that, there were also other superheroes that were acting immaturely, blabbering and bickering as if nothing ever mattered at the moment other than trying to resolve their so-called issues with each other. Marcus Moreno was just sitting there, the side of his cheek resting on his gloved knuckles. Poor guy had to hear them go on for almost an hour or so, it was a lie if he ever said that he wasn't sick of it. And Tech-no was far too busy fixing the wires of his suit to even attempt being in an argument.

"Why don't you just vanish, Invisi-girl?" Red Lightning Fury spats, a taunting look on her face with hands confidently placed on her hips, her gold belt still shone proudly. The woman in front of her, Invisi-girl, whose pose is just as similar as the other, plasters a mocking look on her face before pointing accusingly, "Oh, I'll make you disappear."

Mrs. Vox just happened about to strut pass like the model that she is, before exasperatedly stepping in between the two, holding up her blue glittered gloved hands that matched her sparkly blue dress. "Don't make me use my outside voice on you two."

Invisi-girl was about to step forward towards her when the blonde-haired woman opened her mouth, "Ha," not even bothered to use her dazzling gloved hands, she flicked her head away using her voice and then turns to the other, "Ha!" also tweaking Red Lightning Fury's creased forehead.

Rewind and Fast Forward's mother, lifts up her fist for Mrs. Vox to see as a warning before the two went to each other's ways.

"If you'd fought the aliens like this, we wouldn't be captured," Marcus promptly interjects, still seated on whatever he was sitting on that was deemed as a chair. Only a few have shifted their attention on him as Blinding Fast defeatedly raised both of his hands before gesturing at the lava woman and the brooding shark man. "That's what I've been trying to tell them."

Sharkboy, whose glare was sort of apparent, snapped his fingers towards the so-called fastest heroic alive, and out came an ice cube, or perhaps a small frozen codfish, or maybe both, that smacked hard on the back of his head out of annoyance- in which Blinding Fast responded with a surprised and pained expression, turning to the male behind him questioningly.

"Why don't you cheer us up by singing one of those little songs you sing so well, Sharkboy," Miracle Guy suddenly derides, turning towards him. The shark man jumps off from his seat and stomps towards the blonde-haired male, just stopping a few inches in distance, glaring menacingly but Miracle Guy stood his guard. "Man, you got some fish to fry," he adds.

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