11: Pyramid of Giza, who?

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"So now what?"

NOODLES MOVED AWAY FROM HIS SPOT TO FACE Missy, a questioning glance that resided in his expression. Everyone heard his question and peered away from the spectacular view, ears now ready to listen to what the new leader of the group would have to say. Anita's words, however, flew around the grey-headed's head when she said that she could possibly be a leader. Not that she wouldn't mind, she was content with the wavy-haired girl to be the leader since she had the potential too. Anita didn't choose her simply because she was biased, she chose her since she saw something in Missy that no one did. Sure, the brunette was a bit bossy- but not as bossy as Wild Card- and was in need to hold herself together since she was the only one in the group who didn't have powers, but she acted upon her instinct like it was something she was used to or was ready for, a trait that Storm admired. But as she thought back on everything that ever happened for the past two hours, it suddenly dawned over her. Working together, those words were now the ones that were glued on her mind. The chances of the plan working relied on those words.

The wavy-haired girl sucked in her breath before answering, "Don't worry, any minute now, Ojo's gonna draw us a picture of all of us smiling and hugging our parents. Isn't that right, Ojo?"

Missy glanced at the petite girl, whose hand and arms were clutching ever so tight to her iPad. Ojo shook her head somberly, indicating that it was not at all what she drew. A cold feeling grew inside of Storm, no, it was not because of Ojo's reaction, it was something else. With eyes narrowed towards the girl and her iPad, she clicked her tongue and crossed her arms, eventually peering her eyes away.

"Oh, that's just great!" the curly-haired boy sarcastically exclaims, turning away from Missy.

They all then returned to their own businesses, whether it was staring at the view or contemplating life decisions, a silence fell over them like a warm blanket. The grey-haired girl sat at the armrest of the seat where Wheels had occupied before, being careful not to touch any unusual button. She tilted her head, observing more of the interior of the ship. It was then that the midnight-haired boy silently sauntered over her, hands now resting at the top rail of the seat.

He licked his lower dry lip before murmuring, "Storm?"

"What's up, Wild?" she responded softly, turning her head to look at the male who seemed to be hesitating over his words. It has indeed been a while since they started to call each other by their names and not by over insulting nicknames, a gentle fluttering of a butterfly emerged in her stomach when she heard her name escape his lips. She missed the feeling.

"Why did you choose me to share the idea of looking at Ojo's iPad?" he questions in a tone still low and almost in a whisper. "Missy could have presented it way better than I did, and isn't she supposed to be the leader now?"

His words made her raise an eyebrow. Never did it occur to her about how he felt when his leadership was questioned, or all those times back then when she would sneer to him about it. She felt guilty now, especially seeing the insecurity in his eye and how his hands tightly clutched on the top-rail. Without having a second thought, she places her hand on top of his, patting it in solace.

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