06: A Babysitter's Help

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"Does anyone have a lozenge?"

A CAPELLA STOPS SINGING AND GESTURES towards her throat, her desperate stare scanning around the train car. Everyone stopped encouraging her and widened their eyes, not because they didn't have the said item, but because the caramel-haired girl had stopped singing, which meant that the vehicle they were on wasn't flying anymore. Guppy facepalmed, smacking her hand on her forehead loudly for everyone to hear as they felt the abrupt shifting motion of them falling, making everyone scream.

"Hang on!" Missy yelled despite all of the screams that were still erupting, Storm could only hope that they would survive from plummeting in a height this high. 

When Fast Forward said that all of the Heroics are currently locked up in that alien spaceship, the wavy-haired girl had denied that saying, claiming that not all of the heroes had been captured. So currently they were on their way to see one of them, or two, but whoever it was, the grey-haired girl trusted Missy.

The vehicle was briskly falling past the clouds that hovered, nearing and nearing and nearing the surface of the earth, and that alone made everyone scream and screech louder than they were supposed to, gripping tightly on whatever or whoever they were holding on. Storm would want to laugh at the sight of Rewind and Wild Card hugging each other closely and firmly as if their lives depended on it, but right now, now is seriously not the time.

Thankfully, A Capella only caught on, still using the last bit of her voice to at least glide them forward in an uneven slope towards their destination. The grey-haired girl had stopped trying to damage her vocal cords for once and shut her mouth close as they brushed past the trees, finally landing on the grassy land- the caramel-haired girl rested her own voice by then. But due to the force that was exerted, friction just couldn't seem to stop the moving vehicle just yet as its wheels continued to roll and roll and roll. It was just until a small lovely looking hut that was decorated with beautiful flowers all over came to their view, and just like that, they crashed unto the lovely-looking hut. A shame though.

Guess they weren't dying today, nope, no sir.

Someone cried out in alarm.

"My begonias!" someone yelled from a somewhat near distance, its voice was mellow yet the added anger in her tone made this person even more familiar to Storm. They all checked themselves for any injuries but relief flooded when there was none. They slowly trudged out of the train car as they hear the person yell out again, "Get out of my flower bed, you little termites!" 

"Hi, Abuelita," Missy greets, waving her hand sheepishly. It was then that Storm finally got a good look of the old woman, whose sour face turned into a softened and bright one in seeing her granddaughter. The grey-haired girl almost stared agape, her eyes blinking as they all walked towards her.

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