10: Just Hitching a Ride

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"Where? What plan?" 

THEY EMERGED FROM THE TUNNEL EXIT THAT was covered with thick green vines, the light from the sun finally shining down on them. Wild Card confusedly yet also eagerly asked, turning to the grey-headed- who was glancing around the area for any intruders before turning to put her hands on Missy's shoulders, whirling her around to face him, the action making the wavy-haired girl utter out a "Woah there!"

"We'll show you," said Storm, nudging the brunette to show him, the poor wavy-haired girl was now squished in between the two. Everyone else came out of the exit, now looking relieved as they were freed from the darkness. Wild Card raised his hand to hold the other corner of the tablet that Missy was holding, peering at the drawing before looking at the two of them in disbelief.

"The plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" 

The grey-haired girl silently groaned, leaving her spot before standing in-between Missy and Wild Card, each of her hands resting on top of their shoulders as she dangerously leaned in to whisper the plan by his ear. Wild Card could feel his cheeks slightly burning up at her ticklish warm breath as she spoke in a hushed tone, his mind was racing frantically and his heart was beating faster than usual. He tried his best to listen to her words and swiped the screen to reveal the next drawing, a small sight of revelation finally distracting him from his thoughts as he widened his eyes.

"Holy-" he paused and blankly glanced at the little girl who was still with them. "-doo doo," he finished, making Guppy roll her eyes and Storm snickering at the choice of wording. "I mean, wait, who came up with this plan?"

"Well, originally I did but Storm filled in the gaps and holes to make this plan possible," Missy spoke up with a grin, with the grey-haired girl nodding proudly. But the midnight-haired boy creased his forehead under puzzlement, not remembering the two discussing anything related to the plan as he only caught a glance of them sending knowing looks at each other. It was then he realized that Storm had the ability to transfer her own thoughts, her powers were anything related to electricity and yet he still wondered how even was that possible.

A small tendency, however, made him scrunch his nose once he turns to the grey-headed. "Is this the best you can think of, Thunder Girl?"

Instinctively, she let his mocking tone sink in and scoffed. "Well, if it involves you getting captured first then I don't see any problem, Jerk Card."

Everyone stared in surprise, even Missy. They all thought the two had made-up and set their differences or problems aside, but if they didn't then it meant causing another squabble which they cannot take at the moment. They were running out of time to save the world and their parents, they seriously did not want to handle seeing another useless quarrel that would may or may not make sense. To their relief, realization dawned over the faces of the two lovebirds as they looked away from each other, cheeks painted in a pinkish tint as one of them awkwardly clears their throat. They chorused in unison,

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