13: Specialty: Ass-Kicking

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WARNING! Long descriptive paragraphs of action scenes!


"And of course, I should have stayed home today."

THE GREY-HAIRED GIRL SARCASTICALLY MUTTERS, looking at the left then at the right, where the familiar faces of the hired guards of the Heroics Headquarters were seen as obstacles of their way. The group of youngsters, now excluding Wild Card and Facemaker, crowded and gathered themselves in a small area of the hallway. It was muddled and almost expectant, the point where they were just nearing the door with a huge-ass pyramid behind it- which was recently known as the weapon used for the take-over- when a group of alien henchmen or guards came marching and blocked their way towards victory. They turned around but the other way was also blocked. They were trapped.

Everyone was in their defensive positions. "Why do you seem so calm about this?" Noodles questioned their leader with an expression of disbelief.

"Because we have something that they don't know about, a secret weapon," the wavy-haired brunette confidently replies, her eyes lingering from their left and right. Storm slightly toned down her posture for once when she heard those words come out from the girl's mouth, and being one who watched too many cartoon movies, she knew what was about to come next.

Wheels confusedly uttered, "We do?"

"I personally think the power of friendship wouldn't do any work on us, Missy," Storm pointed out, uncurling her fingers and letting them wiggle a bit, the familiar sparks of blue now seen by the naked human eye, correcting her body posture. "Most of us literally just met each other this morning."

"No, not that. I meant Teamwork!"

"That's the same thing!"

Missy proceeded to ignore the grey-headed's response and carried on with her speech, one that appeared to be overused, motivational, yet undeniably always worked in most cases of superhero shit I've seen. "Alone, our powers are special, but together, we're unstoppable! Slo-mo, attack! A Capella, eardrums!"

The snail-paced boy charged towards the batch of aliens in suits, still in a motion that's as slow as ever. A Capella, who remembered one small detail, glanced at Storm with a toothy-smile, "You might wanna cover your ears."

The grey-haired girl muttered something about already doing what she was supposed to do, her hands moving in almost fluid gestures like water, hands twisting hastily in a few directions as if she was forming a shape. A pair of black headphones peculiarly materialized out of air and landing in her hands, immediately putting it on as a cue for the caramel-haired girl to open her mouth in a shape of an O.

A Capella's vocal cords were stretched and ready, she sang out in a tone, being careful at the same time as to not hurt the other's eardrums, especially Storm's. A loud stinging and ringing noise reached the aliens' ears, it was set in a risky level of decibels that were almost meant to damage the tympanic membrane, but she made sure not to overdo it. The irritating sound at least made them halt in their actions of seizing the youngsters, covering their ears using their hands in hopes of reducing the volume.

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