16: Ás de Espadas

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"Wait, so our parents were inside that pyramid all along?"

MISSY UTTERED WITH CONFUSION SKETCHED on her expression, she stared at her father, at her abuelita, and at every other heroic in disbelief. Storm wore the same face only mixed with slight annoyance, especially when her mother playfully winked at her. In the end, she sighed in relief, her mind finally at peace knowing that they were alright. Admittedly, this was more awesome than doing the schoolwork that she was supposed to do, except the whole "the heroics have been taken and there's no one else to save the earth from strange aliens" thing. And to think that their kids have reached this far just to save them, and they were worried for nothing.

"But I don't understand. What's the takeover?" the wavy-haired brunette asks the question that she was sure everyone else was itching to know. 

She whirled around to face the alien spy, who still stood there with a broad smile on her face. From behind Ojo, the supposed director of the headquarters and the president of their nation emerged from the doors and walked to the youngsters with smiles and proud looks.

"The takeover of power. From your parents," Mrs. Granada started off, the hostile expression that they last saw her with was completely absent, the usual strict look on her face was replaced with a warm-hearted one, somewhat pleased. "Look at yourselves. Young and capable, brave but reckless, working with one another, and with a new perspective of what the world might become. I think it's finally time to give your parents a bit of a break, don't you think? And from what we've gathered, it seems like every new generation is an improvement from the last."

Everyone glanced at one another, appearing to be proud of themselves. Wild Card instinctively turned to the grey-haired girl who was beside him, smiling cheekily and all. Before he knew it, he ruffled her hair, and it made her gape at him in surprise, tiny little sparks of blue hopped around her hair strands yet nowhere near his hand as he did. He froze when he realized what he had done.

"Christ. It's been years, Ace," Storm released a soft huff, swatting his hand away before sending a weak punch on his chest. Upon hearing his old nickname, he chuckled as he crossed his arms, playfully nudging her a little with the edge of his elbow. "It hasn't been that long, Cel."

The two turned to the aliens for them to continue, just as the others did, but unlike others, there were evident forms of smiles on their faces. Perhaps in another reason of relief? The feeling where you know it's finally over? Maybe.

"Things are not heading in the right direction on your planet. And you children are inheriting Earth's problems, and need to be able to fix them, sooner rather than later," clarified Ojo, making sure her words were simple enough for them to understand.

The president from beside her, Neil Anami, took his turn to speak up, "It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on Earth survives and thrives," he firmly said, the aliens nodded along to show that they agree with his words. "So, we infiltrated both your government and Heroics headquarters so we could train you and accelerate the transfer of power."

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