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Storm, although in disbelief, sat there on the grass while the magical red cloak decided to pick off the leaves on her hair. "So you're saying, that the world I live in right now, is just another alternative yet fictional timeline?"

"Yes," the Ancient One nodded solemnly. She was sitting beside the youngster, hands moving as she creates shapes in mid-air, orange sizzles that formed a magic circle of some sort. The grey-haired girl glanced at Stephen was busy grumbling in the background, bored out of his mind as he created portals that seem to lead to nowhere. The bald female sighed, "Don't worry, he's a fictional character as well, but I sort of borrowed this one from a sixteen-year-old's fanfiction."

The male sorcerer snapped his head towards them, surprisingly to have heard what she said. "Excuse me?"

The Ancient One chuckled, glancing at the younger female beside her. "He won't remember any of this once he gets back."


Noodles: Do you have more gums?

Storm: Yep.

Facemaker: More?

Storm: Uh sure

Noodles: ...

Facemaker: ...

Storm: ...

Storm: Do you guys still want some? I got limited editions too

Noodle: Holy shizzles, you have more?

[ EAT IT ]

Little Storm stared at her acquaintance with a new-profound interest, it was another peaceful afternoon at the playground, and as usual, they were by the sandbox. Wild Card had to follow her around since he was too shy to make friends with other normal children, so now here he was, in a situation that he himself got cornered.

The grey-haired gently picked up the dead reptile from one of the tops of her sandcastles and brought it close to his face. "Eat the lizard if you want to be my friend."

"What-" Wild Card widened his eyes, but the girl only brought it closer to him.

"Eat it."


"Eat. It."


Storm: Shit

Bot: 15 cents.

Storm: Cause this fucking shitty ass-

Bot: One dollar and 30 cents.

Storm: DAMNIT!

Bot: ... 5 cents.


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