Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or any of its characters. DC,WB, CW, and the Arrow Writers own most of the ideas in this story.

A/N: I have seen a lot of stories like this one and I wanted to see what I could do with it. I will also be writing this story in my way so some of it will be a little different then it was in the show. Hope you enjoy it, and please leave reviews and let me know what you think.

It was the year 2040 and two young adults were talking to each other about what they planned to do to make Team Arrow a better team in the past so that so much tragedy didn't happen. They didn't know if their plan would work but for the present that they were living in it was worth a try, because anything was better than what they were living now.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You know if this works, it could wipe you out of existence?" The boy asked.

"I think I am destined to be born either way. If not, then hopefully at least things will be better after we show them what they need to fix." The girl said.

"Ok. If you are sure then we will do this. So, who are we going to bring here to watch this?" The boy asked.

"Well, I was thinking Thea, Laurel, Sara, Moira, Tommy, Diggle, Roy, and Quentin." The girl said.

"What about your mom? Don't you think she should be here as well?" The boy asked.

"No, if she comes then she is going to try to get with dad even though we know it is for the best that she doesn't." The girl said

"If this is what you think is best then I say we go for it. Hopefully you will be my full sister instead of half-sister by the time this is over." The boy said.

"I think I will be once she sees what really happened." The girl said.

"Ok, I am trusting you here Mia. I don't want to lose you. We make a good team." The boy said.

"Everything will work out Conner, you just have to have faith like I do." Mia said.

"Well, lets do this. Who is going after who?" Conner asked.

"I will go after Thea, Laurel, Sara and Moira. You will go after Tommy, Diggle, Roy and Quentin." Mia said.

"Ok, I will see you back here when we are done collecting the people we need here." Conner said as he opened a portal with a watch on his arm to send him back to October 9, 2012, the day before Oliver Queen's return from Lian Yu.

Mia did the same thing and went back to the same time to collect who she was after. Her first target was her aunt Thea. She didn't really know her aunt well because she had always been off with her League of Heroes that she and Talia had created. She went to the prep school that she knew that her aunt would be going to in this time period and waited for her to show up.

When Thea showed up for school that day Mia approached her and said, "I need you to come with me. I have some information that you might find interesting."

"As interesting as that sounds, you are going to have to give me more than that." Thea said.

"What if I said it was about your brother being alive?" Mia asked.

"You have my attention. What do I need to do?" Thea asked.

"Just go through this portal and when I am done retrieving everyone else, I will tell you what is going on." Mia said.

"That sounds kind of fishy to me. I think I will pass." Thea said.

"I was hoping to do this the easy way." Mia said as she shot Thea with a tranquilizer dart and then took her through the portal.

Once she was back in 2012, Mia decided to just tranquilize the rest of her targets. She went after Laurel first, then Sara, and finally Moira. Once she had all of her targets back to the future she looked over and saw that Conner had already picked up all of his targets and was waiting for them to wake up.

"How did you get them here so fast?" Mia asked.

"I didn't try to talk to them I just tranquilized them and brought them back." Conner said and Mia nodded.

Soon after the tranquilizer started to wear off and they could see their targets starting to wake up. Once they were all awake some of them started to ask questions.

"What is going on here and who are you two?" Quentin asked.

"We have brought you all here to show you some information that will be very important to all of you." Mia said.

"What is so important about it anyways?" Moira asked.

"You will see soon enough. Right now, though, I think it is important to start with introductions, my name is Conner, and this is my sister Mia. We are from the future and we want to show you some information about our dad so that you can help him become who is meant to be and hopefully that will help change this future that we have." Conner said.

"You said you name is Conner, and you are from the future. Does that mean you are who I think you are?" Laurel asked.

"I could never get anything by you mom. We have to help dad become who he is supposed to be." Conner said.

"Sorry, but why would I want to do anything for him since he is the one who cheated on me with my own sister?" Laurel asked as she pointed at her sister.

"Laurel, I swear, I never slept with Ollie. I wanted to but he wouldn't have anything to do with that. I told him that I wanted to tour China for a couple of days. That is the only reason why he let me on board the ship." Sara said.

"Why should I believe you?" Laurel said.

"Once we start on the videos you will see what happened. We are going to show you what he has been doing while he has been away the past five years and we will also show you some of the future so that you will know what needs to be changed. Does that sound good to you guys?" Mia asked.

"Sounds fine. You said that you were Conner's sister, does that mean that you are Laurel's daughter as well?" Quentin asked.

"No, Laurel would never give dad another chance so he moved on, but he was never truly happy like he would have been with Laurel. He and mom never really trusted each other." Mia said.

"Ok, so when can we start this so we can see what we have to do?" Roy asked.

"Take a seat and we will start right now if you are ready." Conner said and everyone took a seat and the video started to play.

A/N: I hope everyone liked the start of this story. Just a few quick notes here. Conner is the child of Oliver and Laurel. Laurel found out she was pregnant after the Gambit sunk. Mia is still Oliver and Felicity's child for now. Oliver never cheated with Samantha, so there will be no William. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave some reviews and let me know what you think so far.

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