Chapter 11

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The next day Oliver was on another mission for Waller. He was following a man that had something that they needed. Oliver caught up with the man and stabbed him and tried to find what he was looking for in his pockets, but he could not find it.

Maseo caught up with him but Oliver had to tell him that the man did not have the item that they were looking for.

"Are you sure that he didn't have it?" Maseo asked.

"Yeah, I checked everywhere. I don't know what could have happened to it." Oliver said.

"He probably stashed it somewhere because he knows that he was being followed. We need to retrace the man's steps." Maseo said.

"I really don't know it that will work. There was to many places to look." Oliver said.

"Ok, so I have an idea. We will have to go home though." Maseo said.

The two men returned to Maseo's house and Maseo asked Tatsu if she would hypnotize Oliver so that they could maybe find where the item was left. Tatsu was not happy about this. She really didn't like Oliver.

"Ok Oliver, I need you to clear your mind and listen to what I am saying. Concentrate on where you were when you were following this man. It will help you remember things that you thought you forgot." Tatsu said.

Oliver concentrated and then he saw that the man put a package between some crates. "I know where the package is. Should we go and get it now?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, we will go and get it and then we will get it to Waller." Maseo said.

They went to get the package and Maseo took it to Waller while Oliver went back home. Tatsu was working around the home and when she saw Oliver she went and dumped his dirty clothes in front of him.

"I might have to let you live here but I will not clean your clothes." Tatsu said.

"Sorry, I don't know how." Oliver said.

"Hahaha, that sounds about right. Hasn't had to do anything like that in his life." Quentin said.

"Dad stop. It's not his fault." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I don't know how to wash clothes either." Tommy said.

"You are just proving my point, Merlyn." Quentin said.

Later Maseo called and said, "Waller is sending a group of agents down to the docks to check out where the triad are working."

"Do you need me?" Oliver asked.

"No, not this time. Just stay put. I should be back in an hour." Maseo said.

It had been two hours since Maseo had called and Tatsu was getting worried for her husband, so she told Oliver that something was not right and that she was going looking for him. Oliver was not going to let her go alone so he went with her.

When they got to the docks all they saw was triad walking around guarding the place. They went down there, and Oliver started to ask some questions about Maseo, but the triad guys started to attack him and Tatsu came out of nowhere with a sword allowing Oliver and her time to take out the triad. They then questioned one of them and he said that all of the agents were dead.

They left to go home and Tatsu was very upset and she was going to have to find a way to tell her son that his father was dead. When they walked into the door, they saw that Maseo was sitting there with Akio. Tatsu went up and hugged her husband glad that he was alive.

The next night Oliver and Maseo went out with a group of agents to get to a laboratory that was making a substance that they would need. It turned out that the substance had already been stolen so they had to get the security footage to see who stole it. It looked like a doctor that worked at the lab was the one who stole it and then handed it off to the triad.

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