Chapter 32

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Roy is taken into custody by the police and when he and Oliver get to the police station, Laurel is there and gets Oliver released. Later after Oliver is released, he finds out there is a metahuman in town that needs to be stopped, but he can't do anything because he would then be under suspicion again.

Oliver goes to Ray for help because he knows that it is the only way to stop the metahuman. Ray goes after the meta and is beaten pretty badly. Later Ray gives Oliver the technology to be able to control Ray's suit when he is fighting against the meta again. At first it was going well, but then the meta was able to disable the suit so that Oliver wasn't able to control it anymore, Ray had to fight on his own and he ended up winning. They then took the meta to STAR Labs to be put in their prison.

While Roy is in jail, he is stabbed by what looked like a guard and he was dead. He ended up faking his death and because of that everyone thought that the Arrow was dead, therefore Oliver was now free as well because everyone now thought Roy was the Arrow. Roy ended up having to leave the city because no one could know that he was still alive because if he was alive it might put suspicion back on Oliver.

While the team was sending Roy off to his new life Thea was visited by Ras and was stabbed to make sure that Oliver would join the League.

"I thought something was going to happen like this sooner or later. Ras doesn't take no for an answer." Sara said.

"So, I have to die for him to get what he wants?" Thea asked.

"I doubt that you die. I am sure that the pit will be used on you in return for Oliver's allegiance." Sara said.

"How could this guy be so evil as to do something like this?" Tommy asked.

"He is used to getting what he wants, and this is the only way he knows how to do that." Sara said.

"Let's just hope that none of this happens since we can find a way to stop it now. I really don't want to be on the run for the rest of my life." Roy said.

"You won't be. We will make sure that no one gets exposed in the future." Laurel said.

"I can't believe that you died because of my vendetta against Oliver. I would normally never do something like that. I guess grief will do crazy things to you." Quentin said.

"Don't worry about it. It's like we said earlier these things aren't going to happen this time around." Roy said.

"I hope not." Quentin said.

Oliver enters his and Thea's apartment and finds her on the floor close to death. He gets her to the hospital and finds out there is not much the doctors can do to help her. Oliver then looks out of the window and see smoke, which is the League way of communicating. He goes to the place and meets Maseo. Maseo said that Ras would let him use the Lazarus pit on Thea if he finally decided to join the League.

Malcolm tells Oliver that this is not a good idea because something changes in people who use the pit. Oliver goes anyways.

When they get to Nanda Parbat, they lower Thea into the pit and see comes out like a wild animal. They put her to sleep and when she wakes up, she is very confused.

Later Felicity goes and confronts Ras, and he tells her to go and spend time with Oliver because it will probably be the last time she will do so. When she gets to the room, they have sex. Later Felicity drugs Oliver so that she and the rest of the team can get Oliver out of there. The team is surrounded, and Oliver comes to and stops the League from attacking his friends. After the team is gone Oliver goes back to the League.

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