Chapter 7

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Not long after Slade was dead, Ivo and his men busted into the submarine and took Oliver, Sara, and Shado hostage. Ivo's men also got the serum which was mirakuru and took it with them as well, so that he could experiment with it on his ship.

Once they got a good distance away from the submarine Ivo put Shado and Sara on their knees and told Oliver to choose who was going to live and who was going to die.

"Are you serious? The man has lost his mind." Thea said.

"Yeah, he really had by this point in the game. I don't know why I ever thought that he was a good man." Sara said.

"You thought he was a good man because he protected you from the other men on that ship. He might be crazy, but he was a good man for doing that." Quentin said.

"I guess so." Sara said.

Ivo gave Oliver ten seconds to choose. When he got to one, he jumped in front of Sara, which Ivo took as Oliver choosing Sara, so he shot Shado.

"Well, looks like they are on their own now." Tommy said.

"Yeah, looks that way. I don't know how y'all survived without one of them with you." Roy said.

"You will see." Sara said.

All of a sudden there was a wild scream and Slade came out of no where and was taking out all of Ivo's men. Ivo and a few of his men were able to get away but they did not have the mirakuru with them. Once everything had calmed down a bit Slade sat down beside Shado and held her.

"What happened here kid?" Slade asked.

Before Oliver could answer Sara did. "Ivo shot her so that he could get answers on what happened with the mirakuru once was used it on you. None of us would answer, so he shot her." Sara said.

"Well, when we see him again, he is a dead man." Slade said.

"Why did you lie about what happened there?" Thea asked.

"Because he if thought that Oliver chose between me and Shado, he would have killed both of us then and there." Sara said.

"Why would he do that though? Oliver is his friend." Laurel said.

"Because the mirakuru has two effects on people. It will make you very strong and it will also warp your mind. Slade is slowly going crazy." Sara said.

"Oh, well that is just great." Tommy said.

Oliver, Slade, and Sara then got Shado's body and took it to where Oliver had buried Robert and buried her there as well. When they were done with that they went to sleep for the night. Oliver woke up to see that Sara was gone and the mirakuru and the radio were gone as well. He found her after she had just finished talking to Ivo.

"What are you doing Sara?" Oliver asked.

"I was going to try to trade with Ivo and see if he would take us home if we gave him the mirakuru." Sara said.

"What did he have to say to that?" Oliver asked.

"He said that he would make sure that I got home but he didn't seem to care to much about you and Slade, so I told him that we didn't have a deal and he called me ungrateful for everything that he had done for me." Sara said.

"Well, he is crazy. We need to burn all of it so that he can't get his hands on it." Oliver said.

"I agree, but don't you think we should see what Slade thinks before we do that?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, good point we will wait until the morning." Oliver said.

"By the way, why did you tell Slade that Ivo killed Shado because we would not answer his questions?" Oliver asked.

"Because the mirakuru is warping his mind. If he for some reason thinks that you chose me over Shado, he will kill us both." Sara said.

"You really think that the mirakuru will warp him that much?" Oliver asked.

"I do. You will see, the longer that he is on it, the more unstable he will get." Sara said.

They then headed back to camp and went back to sleep for a little while. When they woke up the next morning, they talked to Slade about destroying the mirakuru and he agreed that it should be destroyed. They set the case on fire and then they went looking for ways to stop Ivo. Slade found the machine the launch missiles that Fyres was going to use to shoot down the plane and he aimed it at the ship. Oliver was finally able to talk Slade out of firing the missiles at the ship because they needed to get the hostages off of there somehow.

Later that afternoon, they heard a plane flying overhead. They tried to catch the pilot's attention, but the plane was hit by a missile from Ivo's ship.

"Y'all couldn't get any luck, could you?" Laurel asked.

"It seemed that way at the time. I always looked at the last five years as the years where nothing went good for me. I don't know about Ollie. I guess we will find out." Sara said.

"Well maybe soon things will turn around for you and you will end up home as well." Moira said.

"I wish it was that simple." Sara said.

The three of them went and found the plane and they saw that the pilot was still alive, but just barely. Sara stayed with him while Oliver and Slade went back to their plane to get medical supplies to help keep the pilot alive.

"Hey, you just need to hold on until my friends get back, then we will fix you up." Sara said.

"I will try, but if I don't make it and somehow you get off of this island will you check in on my daughter in Starling city for me from time to time." The pilot asked and he showed Sara a picture of the girl so that she would know who he was looking for.

"I will, but you will be able to do that yourself, you just need to hold on." Sara said.

The pilot ended up dying before Oliver and Slade got back with the supplies. That upset them but they were able to find a way onto Ivo's ship though. They took the parachute from the plane and then they sat down and came up with a plane to get all three of them on the ship.

Once they had come up with the plan, Oliver started to train with his bow and arrow because he was going to be using them once he got on the ship. He had made some targets on some trees and he was shooting them while he was running which would have been a challenge for anyone, but he was hitting the bullseye every time. Once he was ready to go, Sara made some remedy and told him to drink it before they started putting their plan into action.

"Wow, Ollie is really getting good with the bow and arrow. I wonder if he could train me to use them?" Thea asked.

"He will probably say no, but if you keep on pestering him, he will most likely change his mind." Laurel said.

"Don't you have multiple black belts in different forms of martial arts Laurel?" Thea asked.

"I do. What's your point?" Laurel asked.

"I would like to be able to protect myself. Do you think you can teach me some stuff sometime?" Thea asked.

"I will be happy to." Laurel said.

"I think I know why we are here now." Sara said looking at Conner and Mia.

"And what do you think the reason is?" Mia asked.

"It looks like Ollie is getting better at fighting as well as using the bow and arrows. He is going to be a vigilante, or something isn't he?" Sara asked.

"You are right about that." Conner said.

"Ok, so why are we here then?" Thea asked.

"Most of you are on his team at one point or another. We will show you that after we are done with the five years that Dad has been away." Mia said.

"Ok, this is really starting to get interesting now. Let's see what happens next." Thea said and they got back to watching the video.

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