Chapter 23

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Felicity met with Oliver and showed him that somehow Walter had found a copy of the list in his mother's room before Walter had been kidnapped. This didn't sit well with Oliver because he didn't know why his mother would be involved in something like this, like his father was.

Oliver went to confront Moira about the list, and she told him that he needed to drop it and then she burned it. Oliver then went to the foundry where he told Diggle what had happened, and Diggle told Oliver that his mother might be involved in this. Oliver didn't take that well, so he told Diggle to drop it.

Diggle then decides that he is going to drive Moira around for a couple of days and find out what she is up to without telling Oliver about it. He takes Moira to what looks like a restaurant and finds out that it is a friend's party. Later on, he takes her to a building that looks like an office building. While Moira is inside, Diggle sneaks in as well and listens to her conversation through the wall. He recorded what he could of the conversation, and it sounded like she was talking to a man about something called the undertaking and it also sounded like she knew about the Gambit being sabotaged. Diggle would take this to Oliver after he was done with his mission that he was helping Laurel with.

Meanwhile, Laurel is getting the Hood to help her with an prisoner who was released on a technicality. When she meets up with the Hood the cops show up as well, because it just so happens that Quentin snuck a bug in the phone so that he would know where they would be meeting up. The Hood had to use Laurel to shield him so that he could get away.

Oliver then went to see how the defenses for Vanch were. He got through most of it, but he was not able to get to him on that night. Vanch seemed to have someone inside the police because he found out that Laurel knew the vigilante and so he had her kidnapped to lure the Hood out and also because Laurel put him in jail. The Hood and Quentin then decided to work together to get Laurel back. The Hood got passed all of Vanch's men and was about to take him out when he realized that he had used all of his arrows. Vanch had researched the Hood and knew how many arrows he carried so he just made sure to have more men than the Hood had arrows. Luckily Quentin came in and took Vanch down.

Later Laurel and Quentin are talking, and Laurel tell him that she needs sometime because he betrayed her trust. Oliver had also decided that he was not going to work with Laurel again as the Hood because it put her in danger.

Diggle let Oliver listen to the recording he had made of his mother talking to someone else. Oliver couldn't believe it because it sounded like his mother was involved with the people that he had been after since he had come home. Another thing that got him was that it sounded like his mother knew about the Gambit being sabotaged. Oliver decided to go and talk to his mother as the Hood.

"Moira Queen, you have failed this city." Oliver said as he broke in through the window of her office.

"What the hell are you up to mom?" Thea asked.

"I got pulled in once your father was killed. I had to do it to protect you." Moira said.

"You know me better than that mom. I would never want someone else to get hurt because you were trying to protect me." Thea said.

"I know. I just didn't know what to do. Now I know what Oliver's plan is. I will be able to help him." Moira said and everyone else could agree on that.

"Please don't kill me. I have two children." Moira said to the Hood.

"I am not going to kill you." The Hood said as he let his bow down. That was a bad mistake because it gave Moira enough time to get her gun and shoot him.

"Shit, did you just shoot your son?" Roy asked while looking at Moira.

The Hood ended up escaping and found his way to Felicity's car and waited for her to get there. When Felicity got in the car, she heard a grunt from behind her and she turned around to see the vigilante laying in her back seat bleeding. Oliver revealed himself to her and told her to take him to the foundry. Once she got there, she got Diggle to help her get Oliver down to the lair and lay him on the table. Diggle removed the bullet and although Oliver about died a couple of time, Diggle was able to stabilize him. Later after Oliver woke up, he told Diggle to back off of his mom for a while. Diggle agreed but he wasn't happy about it.

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