Chapter 38

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"So, do any of you have any questions before we go into what you really need to do to make everything turn out better?" Mia asked.

"Yeah, I have one. I can see Oliver not wanting us to get involved in this. How do we make sure that he let's us help him?" Thea asked.

"You need to make sure that you don't let him push you away. As you can see in the first couple of years he was back, he is very good at that. I think that you are going to be his major problem though because he would want to keep you safe. There is not much he can do about Roy, Laurel, Sara, and Diggle." Conner said.

"Well, it is going to be a while for you anyways Speedy. We still have to train you and that will take a couple of years possibly." Sara said.

"I know. I just want to be able to help my brother." Thea said.

"And you will Speedy. We can't have you out there without the right training though." Laurel said.

"I am decent with computers. Maybe I can do that until I am fully trained." Thea said.

"That might be a good idea. Then we don't have to bring anyone new in and let them in on the secret at the beginning. We will have to at some point but that will be a ways off." Laurel said.

"Ok, so is it better to just go right at the threats from every year now that we know what and who they are, or should we wait it out?" Diggle asked.

"Unfortunately, it will probably be better to wait it out. That way if the person does end up in jail and not dead for some reason. You will have everything that you need to lock them up for a long time." Mia said.

"What about Emiko? Should I approach her and try to bring her in so that she is not on the wrong side of things like she is in the future?" Thea said.

"That might not be a bad idea. She might not be as head strong about being so anti Queen right now as she is in the future, and she might like it if you come to her and try to get to know her." Conner said.

"I don't know if that is such a good idea dear. We need to think about what this will look like." Moira said.

"Sorry mom but look at what happens in the future because you cut them off. I am sorry to say this, but if the public wants to look at us badly because dad had a child with another woman, that's their problem, not mine. Plus, I have always wanted a sister." Thea said.

"Well, you won't be her sister Thea. Since you are Malcolm's daughter." Moira said, still trying to protect the family image.

"Mom, I know you are trying to look out for the family image and all, but I don't really care about that. I would rather be a good person then do things because it is what people expect me to do. I am going to meet my sister whether you like it or not. As for Malcolm, I am not going to tell anyone about that so technically I am still Robert Queen's daughter, which mean I do have a sister." Thea said.

"I guess there is no talking you out of this then?" Moira asked.

"Nope." Thea said.

"Is there any way to get that cure so that we can take down Slade without having to do all that work to get the cure?" Sara asked.

"Well, it is possible that the syringe is still on the Amazo and you could replicate that." Conner said.

"I can look for that." Sara said.

"How will you do that?" Quentin asked.

"I have a plan to get out of the League. If everything works out, I will be on Lian Yu when Oliver gets picked up. I think it will look better if we show up at the same time." Sara said.

"That is a good point." Laurel said.

"So, how will we throw suspicion off of ourselves once we get back, if we go to work quickly?" Sara asked.

"You will probably have to do something like what Oliver did in the first year then have someone else suit up as you and show that it is not you." Mia said.

"Yeah, but preferably not while getting arrested." Laurel said.

"So, do you think that Ras will try to get more than just Ollie to join the League?" Laurel asked.

"That is a good question, and the answer is I don't know. It is possible especially if you two are married and work really well together." Conner said.

"Ok, what about Darhk? How do we keep him from killing Laurel?" Quentin asked.

"Mom probably needs to get the same type of protection that dad has. That way he will not be able to use his magic on either of you." Conner said.

"Another things that you need to do Laurel and Quentin, is to move up in the ranks at the DA's office and in the police so that you can work on the corruption in the city so that it is not so bad once you get to Diaz. You can't allow him to have everyone in his pocket like he did before." Mia said.

"Yeah, I think we can do that." Quentin said and Laurel nodded in agreement.

"What about Chase? We need to find a way to stop that nut job quickly." Roy said.

"It all depends on how quickly you can find the information on him. Don't want to act to quickly without evidence and have the people of the city to look down on you." Conner said.

"And the Ninth Circle will always show up after Diaz is taken down because they are associated with him. What can we do about that?" Diggle said.

"I don't think there is much to do except to be ready for them. If Thea's plan of getting to know Emiko does work out, you might even have an inside woman." Conner said.

"Ok, and what about crisis how do we stop that from happening?" Laurel asked.

"There is not much you can do about that either. I would just say go out and recruit as many heroes as you can so that they will be ready when the time comes. The multiverse will be destroyed, and dad will die once. The second time I hope won't happen, if one or more of you become Specters some how yourselves." Conner said.

"I think we have a pretty good idea of what it is that we need to do now. Is there anything else that you can think of that we need to know?" Sara asked.

"I think you have must everything that you need to know. If not, I am sure you will figure it out." Mia said.

"Ok, so I guess it is time to go back to our time then." Tommy said.

"Yeah, it is. We will be taking you back very soon." Mia said.

First, they dropped Thea and Moira off at the Queen Mansion, then they dropped Quentin off at the police department, Laurel at CNRI, Diggle at his apartment, Roy at his home, Tommy at his apartment, and last but not least they dropped Sara off at Nanda Parbat.

"Hey, I was wondering if you had a way for me to get to Lian Yu that won't take a couple of days. I don't have that much time to get there and do everything that I need to do." Sara said.

"Yeah, we can give you this device that can open a portal to anywhere in time. It should help you get there. Oh, and don't forget to take your new suit that you made while we were on the ship. Also, don't forget moms. I know she will love it." Conner said.

"Thanks for reminding me. See you kids around." Sara said as she got off the time ship and went back into the League headquarters hoping that she could talk Ras into releasing her somehow.

Back in Starling City everyone was getting ready as well. They now had a few days before Oliver was to return home so they needed everything to be in order so that they could hit the ground running.

A/N: So that is the end of this story. I hope everyone enjoyed it and please leave some reviews to let me know what you think of the story. I will be getting started on the sequel as soon as I can. It might be a week or so. We will see. I might be sooner than that. I just need to plan out the first couple of chapters first. Again, I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have, and I hope you enjoy the upcoming sequel as well.

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