Chapter 2

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A/N: Just to let you know, I will be using italics for when the people watching are talking or thinking something. Hope that is helpful.

As the video starts up everyone see Oliver and Robert talking about something before Oliver returns to his room on the boat. When he gets in his room, he sees one of his best friends sitting on his bed in nothing but a gown and underwear. Everyone turned to Sara and glared at her when they saw this.

"Sara, what are you doing in here?" Oliver asked.

"I thought we could have a little bit of fun. My sister will never find out." Sara said.

"I don't think so Sara. You know that I would never do that to your sister. She is the love of my life and I will never cheat on her." Oliver said.

"Oh, come on Ollie. I came on this trip so that we could do this." Sara said.

"No Sara, you said you came on this trip to tour some of China. I think you should leave. I am not going to do this to your sister." Oliver said and Sara got up and walked to the door.

"Your lose." Sara said as she was about to walk out of the door.

"Oh my god, Oliver never cheated on me. I was about to through all of our future out of the window for something that I thought was true but wasn't" Laurel thought to herself.

"Well, I guess that means you will be getting back with Ollie when he gets back then." Thea said.

"I would like to think so. I never stopped loving him even though I did hate him, but I guess I can put all of that hate on my sister now." Laurel said as she glared at Sara, and all Sara could do was look down at the floor.

When they went back to looking at the video, they heard thunder roaring outside and all of a sudden, the ship started to tip, and Sara was sucked out along with Oliver. When Oliver swam to the surface, he was looking for Sara and screaming for her. The next thing Oliver knows is that he is being pulled into the life raft with his dad and his dad bodyguard.

"She is gone Oliver. I can't see her anywhere." Robert said.

"I can't leave her out there dad. The Lances will hate me if I don't bring her back with me. Laurel will think that I cheated on her and she won't take my word for it. I know she won't." Oliver said.

"Oh, Ollie." Laurel thought.

Time seemed to skip a little bit ahead in the video and they could see that it was now daytime, and the three men were still in the life raft. "Oliver you need to eat this and save your strength." Robert said.

"Ok, dad." Oliver said as he ate some of the food.

"What are you doing. We need to split that food." The bodyguard said.

"If anyone is going to make it off this raft it is going to be him." Robert said.

He then turned to Oliver and said, "I wish I could explain why you have to live but all I can say right now is that you have to make it back home and right my wrongs. I wish I could explain me, but we don't have that kind of time."

The next thing that was heard was a gun shot and the bodyguard fell overboard, and Oliver looked at his father with a scared look on his face.

"Why did you shoot him dad?" Oliver asked.

"Because you need to survive and make it home to right my wrongs." Robert said as he turned the gun on himself and shot himself.

"Oh my God Robert. What did you do?" Moira asked.

"It looks like he killed himself to give Oliver his best chance to survive. I am sorry that you and your daughter had to see that though." Diggle said.

"Why would dad do that though and what did he mean by right his wrongs?" Thea said as she turned to the future children of his brother.

"He did it so that dad could survive. As for the right his wrongs thing. You will find out as you watch more of the video." Conner said.

"Ok, let's get back to it then." Roy said.

It looked like it could have been a day later when Oliver sees an island in the distance. When he got to the island, he pulled the raft up on the beach and started to look around a bit. Oliver looks back at the raft and see that birds are trying to eat his father, so he shoos them away and then decides to bury his father on the island.

As he was finishing burying his father Oliver feels a sharp pain in his shoulder and looks down to see an arrow sticking through it. He passes out from the pain

"Oh crap. He wasn't on the island for a day and he already has someone trying to hurt him. I just wonder how bad he had it this whole time." Laurel said as she started to cry because she had been so upset with him for no reason over these past years.

"I don't think things are going to get any better." Sara said.

"How would you know?" Laurel asked.

"That would be giving things away. You will just have to wait and see." Conner said.

Oliver woke up in a cave with a Chinese man that was wearing a hood. The man pulls the arrow out of Oliver's should and gives him some herbs to help with infection.

"Why did you shoot me?" Oliver asked.

The man just talked in Chinese to Oliver and he told him that he didn't speak Chinese. Later the man came back with a bird and showed Oliver that if he wanted to eat, he would have to kill the bird. Oliver finally got so hungry that he snapped the bird's neck and then ate it.

Later on, the man left, and Oliver tried to escape, and he caught in a trap. The man in the hood saved him and took him back to the cave and shut him in while he was gone this time. It seemed like days that he was gone, and Oliver had gotten hungry again. He had an hallucination of his father and his father gave him a gun and Oliver was about to kill himself but he stopped himself. He then pulled out the picture that he had of Laurel and looked at it. The fire was starting to go out in the cave and Oliver started to use the pages of the notebook that his dad had in his pocket when he was burying him. When he was about to drop the page in the fire, words formed on the page. He stopped burning the pages when he saw that.

The man in the hood came back and told him that it was time for them to go hunting so that they could have some fun, so they left to go hunting.

"What was that on the page of that notebook? It looked like it was names or something." Thea said.

"Yeah, that's what it looks like. I wonder what they mean?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know but it can't be good." Diggle said.

"You would be right about that." Mia said.

"That book will have a lot to do with what dad does when he returns home." Conner said.

"So, let's see what happens next." Quentin said and they started to watch the next scene.

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