Chapter 27

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Blood is seen talking to a nurse at the home where his mother is being kept. He finds out that Laurel has been to visit his mother. He goes in and asks his mother what she told Laurel and she admits that she told Laurel everything about him killing his father and looking her up in the home so that he would not be caught. He then comes back with the skull mask on and he kills his mother.

Oliver is still looking to find the man that is wearing the skull mask so that he can make sure that doesn't have anymore Mirakuru. He is not having any luck though.

Laurel later comes home and see that police have been going through her apartment and they have found that she has pills, so she is arrested for using drugs.

"I knew that was not going to end well." Laurel said.

"I am sure that you get yourself straight at some point." Sara said.

Roy goes and shows Sin his powers and he decides that he wants to use them to help people. Later that night Sin is being used as bait while Roy goes after the man that is trying to have sex with her and he nearly kills the man because he doesn't have control over himself.

Laurel is kidnapped by the man in the skull mask and Oliver comes to save her. While they are fighting Laurel finds a gun and shoots the man. They take his mask off and find out that it is the policeman that arrested Laurel, Officer Daily. Laurel finds out that the charges have been dropped against her, but the DA's office will not let her work there because of her drug problems and drinking.

Later Roy meets up with the Arrow and he tells Roy that he will train him because he knows how to deal with the Mirakuru.

"Well, I guess I am done at the DA's office then." Laurel said.

"Not necessarily." Conner said.

"I am glad I will finally get to work with the Arrow." Roy said.

"It doesn't go well for a while, but it turns out ok." Mia said.

The next scene shows Ben Turner in prison and he gets a new cell mate. The cell mate starts removing Turner's claws from his skin. Turner then attacks the guards when they come in and check on the other men. He is then able to escape the prison and go and find the man who was responsible for his release.

Later Turner is told what he is going after and he goes to Malcolm Merlyn's mansion. In the basement it is seen that Malcolm had another earthquake machine. Oliver and Roy find them there and try to stop them. Roy loses control and Oliver has to stop him, which allows Turner to get away with the device.

Laurel is seen going to have a meeting with Joanna so that she can get a new job. Joanna lets her know that she can't hire Laurel because she is possibly getting disbarred for her drinking and drug use. This causes Laurel to get even more out of control.

Later Oliver and Roy are going after the device and Oliver finds that the device is in a shipping container. Turner drops in to fight them and Roy gets a hold of Turner and will not stop beating him. Oliver tries to get in the container to stop the device but none of his arrows will work. He ended up having to reveal himself to Roy to get his attention. Roy punches a hole in the container and Oliver throws in an explosive arrow and blows the device up.

Oliver is seen talking to Sara over the phone telling her that she needs to come back and help Laurel out because she is spiraling out of control. Laurel is then seen passing out because she is actually poisoned. Before she loses consciousness, she thinks that she sees Sara.

"Wow, stuff just keeps getting worse for me." Laurel said.

"At least I am on my way back now." Sara said.

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