Chapter 15

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When they got back to the camp Oliver and Conklin walked into Reiter's tent and Conklin had told him what he had seen. "Queen did kill the girl, but I think he might be a spy. I found this computer near where I found the girl's body." Conklin said.

"How could it be mine? I have been on this island for three years. How would I have gotten something like that?" Oliver asked.

"You make a good point Mr. Queen. I don't think it is possible for this to be yours. Go and get back to work." Reiter said and the two left the tent.

Later on, Oliver went back into Reiter's tent and found that he had a man there and he was trying to use the man to find something on the island. The man got up from the chair and got a jump on Oliver and ended up using Oliver as a hostage.

Oliver and the man who he found out was John Constantine took a vehicle out to an area of the island and found a trapped door in the ground. They went down into the hole and found that there was an artifact there that Constantine needed. When they were done in the tunnel they got back to the surface and Constantine said, "Be careful of Reiter mate. He is trying to do more than just plant his drugs. Here this might help you."

Constantine then said a spell and the next thing Oliver knew he felt something on his ribs, and he looked down and pulled his shirt up and he had a tattoo there and he looked at Constantine and asked, "What is this for?"

"I will help you with what is to come if Reiter finds what he is looking for." Constantine said.

"Ok, so I need you to punch me so that it looks like you hit me in order to get away." Oliver said and Constantine did just that.

"Here take this. That way it will look like you didn't come be empty handed." Constantine said as he broke the artifact into two pieces and took the piece that he needed and gave the other piece to Oliver.

"Thanks for the help mate. I owe you one." Constantine said and then he was gone.

"So, I wonder what the tattoo is for?" Thea asked.

"I don't think it is for anything good. The way this whole thing has been, nothing has been good so far." Roy said.

"I hate to say it, but I think Roy might be right." Laurel said.

Oliver returned back to the camp and went into Reiter's tent and showed him the artifact. This made Reiter believe that they were in the right place for what he was looking for.

"Thank you, Mr. Queen. This is very helpful. Tomorrow I want you and Conklin to take a group to look for more artifacts like this." Reiter said and Oliver nodded and left.

The next day Oliver and Conklin took a group out to look for more artifacts. The group seemed to be tired, so Oliver told them to take a break for a while. Conklin went over to talk to one of the men in the group. Oliver is now down in the water a little bit when all of a sudden, the man Conklin was talking to attacked him. He was drowning Oliver and he was finally able to get the other man off of him but in the process, he broke the man's neck.

"Hey, why did you kill that man? Reiter doesn't like it when we lose workers. He is going to be really upset when we get back to camp." Conklin said.

"It was self-defense. He attacked me. I was just protecting myself." Oliver said.

"We will just have to see what Reiter has to say about this." Conklin said.

When the group got back to the camp, Oliver and Conklin went into Reiter's tent and told him what happened.

"I don't like it when I lose worker for no reason Mr. Queen. So, what did you do?" Reiter asked.

"I was just down by the water and the next thing I know the man was attacking me. It was self-defense." Oliver said.

"I didn't see the man attacking him. I think he is lying sir." Conklin said.

"Don't worry, I will be able to tell who is telling the truth." Reiter said as he pulled out some kind of magical object and lit it.

"This will tell if you are telling the truth. You first Mr. Queen." Reiter said.

"I was down by the water and the man attacked me and then in self-defense, I was able to get him off and, in the process, he ended up dead." Oliver said.

"Looks like you are telling the truth Mr. Queen. Now you Conklin." Reiter said.

"All I saw was Oliver snapping the man's neck. I have no idea why he did that. Bad stuff just always seems to happen around him." Conklin said.

Something happened with the magical object that Reiter had, and Reiter looked at Conklin and said, "Looks like you are lying about something Conklin. Did you set it up so that the man attacked Mr. Queen?"

"No. Of course not." Conklin said and it looked like he was lying again.

"Looks like you were trying to kill one of our team Conklin. I can't let that go without punishment." Reiter said.

The next thing that is seen is Conklin being tied to a pole and Oliver is given a whip.

"This man tried to kill you Mr. Queen, now you get to punish him. Whip him." Reiter said and Oliver did as he said as Conklin begged him not to.

Later that night Oliver returns to the cave where Taiana is hiding and says, "I need to get out to that ship and see if there are any maps of the island on it. If we can find a way to find this artifact before Reiter, we can can use it as leverage to get out of here." Oliver said.

Oliver swims out to the ship and finds some maps of the island and then he starts to swim back to the island but on the way back he is being chased by a shark. The shark ends up biting him, so he is injured when he gets back to land.

When Oliver gets back to land, he is hurting pretty bad and he shows the injury to Taiana and she asks, "Is that a shark bit?"

"Yeah, obviously it didn't like me too much though." Oliver said.

The next thing they know Conklin walks out and finds them and takes them back to camp so that Reiter can punish them.

"Looks like Ollie just can't keep out of trouble." Sara said.

"When have you ever known him to be able to stay out of trouble?" Tommy asked.

"Good point. At least he seems to be the person that I always knew he could be though. I always knew there was more to him then the rich playboy act. You should try it Merlyn." Laurel said while laughing at her friend.

"Oh, come on. I resent that." Tommy said acting offended and then everyone in the room laughed.

"I am pretty sure I know what is coming next. Let's get this over with." Moira said.

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