Chapter 35

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"Did you see how Felicity was working with that hacker group? I can't believe Ollie let that happen." Thea said.

"Me either. I think she also had something to do with the earth 2 Laurel going bad as well. I think if she wouldn't have had the other members of the team attack Laurel, she might would have joined up with Ollie." Sara said.

"I didn't think of that. You might be right. Anyways, if we decide to bring her on the team in the future, we will have to nip all of this in the bud. We can't have her going rogue." Laurel said.

"So, are you starting to see what I was talking about with mom? She reacts on emotion without thinking a lot of the time and it ends up causing trouble. You will see what working with that hacker group, is going to do to the team early on in the coming up year, early on." Mia said.

"Let's see what happens. I just hope it doesn't get too bad." Laurel said.

Following the explosion on the island Thea is in a coma and Diggle was injured trying to save Felicity. Laurel attacks the bunker, and the team finds out that she stole a T-Sphere which is Curtis's weapon of choice. Quentin had the chance to stop her, but he couldn't. Also, while out on a mission Diggle could have shot a bad guy but he couldn't pull the trigger because of his injury and that cause Rene to get injured. Channel 52 receives pictures showing that Oliver is the Green Arrow.

Oliver has a press conference to say that he is not the Green Arrow. He is now being hounded by an FBI agent who is starting to investigate the charges of him being the Green Arrow. Anatoly captures some delegates from another country, most of who Team Arrow save, though Anatoly does kill one of them. The media finds out that the pictures of Oliver as the Green Arrow are not real, but this does not stop Watson from investigating him. Oliver asks Diggle to take the hood and become the Green Arrow so that he will not have to leave Conner alone with no parents.

The city council comes up with a bill that they want Oliver to sign so that being vigilantes in the city will be illegal. Oliver said that he would not sign it, but he does put it up for a vote so that the citizens of the city can vote on it. Team Arrow is having a hard time with Oliver gone and he is asked to resume being Green Arrow by some of the team. The team goes out without Oliver again and this time they stop a terrorist attack, and everyone is now happy with Diggle as a leader. Oliver and Felicity start a relationship again.

Cayden James is shown to be the man behind all of the attacks lately, working with Anatoly and Laurel. He wants to get control of the internet worldwide, which causes Team Arrow to try and stop him. Felicity ends up stopping him or so she thinks, when in reality she enabled James to be able what he was trying to do all along. Slade is now trying to get Oliver to help him out with something.

Slade finds out that his son has been put in a prison in Kasnia and he needs Oliver's help as a politician and not the Green Arrow. Oliver goes and talks to the people at the prison and finds out that Slade's son is dead. It is later found out that Slade's son is being held captive by a group known as the Jackels. It turns out that Joe is not being held captive after all, because he ends up being the leader of the group.

Slade tries to turn his son, but it does not work. Oliver is taken captive and Slade has to choose between Oliver and his son. He chooses Oliver and the father and son fight each other. Joe ends up getting away. Oliver goes home to Star City to Conner and his friends. The team is now going after a man named Ricardo Diaz. The team now knows about the injury that Diggle got during the explosion on Lian Yu, and Curtis says that he can install a chip in his arm to help with the problem.

It is Thanksgiving and Oliver has decided to do a charity event that is interrupted by agent Watson coming to arrest him. Oliver is able to pay his bail and is let go. Oliver is forced to become Green Arrow again when Diggle gets injured. Oliver lets Diggle know that once he has healed that he will give the hood back to him. Thea comes out of her coma and is surrounded by her friends and family.

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