Chapter 33

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A/N: I have decided to do shorter summaries for the episodes now. The chapters will cover one season apiece until I get to Season 8, where I will do every episode in depth. Also, there are no Samantha and William in this story, so I had to switch that around a bit in this story. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Let me know what you think with some comments or reviews. Thanks.

"I wonder how long it is going to take Ollie to get back to the team?" Thea asked.

"I would think that it will only be a few months. I don't think that the team is good enough without him to function right now." Sara said.

"I agree. Oliver is the reason why the team moves the way that it does. Without him there, there is no real leadership." Laurel said.

"I understand that, but don't you think he might get sucked too far into domestic bliss if he is gone with Felicity for too long?" Thea asked.

"I guess it is possible, but I don't think that will happen though." Diggle said.

"Yeah, I can't see Oliver staying away for too long." Tommy said.

"I hope you are right." Roy said.

"Ok, are you ready to start year four?" Conner asked and everyone sat down and nodded.

Oliver and Felicity are living in Ivy Town and he is about to propose when Laurel and Thea ask for help. They go back to the city to help and they find out they will be going against Damian Darhk and HIVE. Team Arrow stops Darhks attack on the train station and the Oliver give a speech of his intentions of the Green Arrow to the City.

Oliver decides to run for mayor when a family friends decides to drop out of the race because of an attack on her daughter. Thea's blood lust is becoming a problem because she burned the Lonnie Machin when they were going after him.

Thea and Laurel go to Nanda Parbat in hopes of reviving a dead Sara Lance. They do this but she has no soul. Meanwhile back in the city Oliver and Diggle try to stop a meta and Oliver took a hit for Diggle and now they are back on the same page and friends again.

Oliver finds out that Quentin is working with Darhk and asks him why he is doing this. In the end Oliver convinces Quentin to be his spy in hive. Quentin also helps Team Arrow take down some cop killers who were actually the cops that were supposed take down the vigilantes in the city.

Sara gets free and is now going after people who look like Thea because of her blood lust. Oliver finds out that Sara is alive, and the team finally are able to stop her. Oliver brings in Constantine to help get Sara's soul back which works. Quentin does a job for Darhk with Diggle's help, who finds out why his brother was really killed.

Felicity and Curtis find out that Ray Palmer is still alive and find a way to save him because he is being held by Darhk. Oliver is working on his campaign with the help of his new campaign manager. Team Arrow go and get Ray and turn him back to his real sized with the help of some tech that Curtis build. Sara ends up leaving the city because she thinks that it is better for everyone else.

Diggle finds out that his supposedly dead brother is still alive and is really working for Darhk. They take him hostage and Diggle find out why Andy has done everything that he has. Thea finds out that with the blood lust that Darhk's magic can't hurt her and that his magic might be her cure.

Oliver is trying to clean up the city, which is not what Darhk wants, so he attacks one of Oliver's events which makes Oliver out Darhk. Darhk takes Felicity, Diggle and Thea hostage and almost kills them. Oliver finally proposes to Felicity but the night ends with the limo that they are in being shot and Felicity being injured.

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