Midnight Studies never go as Planned

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Momo yawned, rubbing her eyes as she places her glasses down. She was studying for tomorrow's quiz in English. Though the topic was simple, she doesn't want to skip over potential things Mic might give them as a 'surprise'.

But halfway through revising different sentences, there was a small knock on her door. Because she was Momo and Momo was always Momo, she couldn't help but stand.

"Coming..." She whispered and placed a hand on the door knob. She stopped for one second to check at her wrist watch and raised an eyebrow at the time, who could be up at this hour? Well, except for herself of course.

As soon as she opened the door, a small figure tackled her stomach. She looked down and saw Kyoka's head.

Leaning to behind Kyoka, she peered and turned from left to right finding no one in the hallways. She looked down and a blush spread evenly on her cheeks when she saw dark eyes looking up at her shyly. A swallow. "Come in..." She murmured but Kyoka didn't let her go.

With a sigh, she moved them to the side and closed her door. She practically carried Kyoka to the bed with how she's acting but she finds herself not minding holding her this way... it was comforting to have someone lean on you.

They sat on the bed with a 'oof'. Kyoka only broke her hold of Momo's waist after a few minutes of staying in the same position, that probably caused her a sore neck.

"Are you okay?" Momo asked, hand coming up to free her hair from her ponytail letting it fall on her shoulders. From the farthest back of her head she kinda hoped that Kyoka would watch her remove her ponytail so there was a small disappointment when Kyoka just continued staring at the floor.

Momo's eyes fell down to Kyoka's fingers that were fidgeting with each other. Was she nervous for some reason? If she was, Momo couldn't put a finger on what that was causing her to act this way.

She fell down on her own bed, hands flayed out, eyes fixated on her ceiling. As much as she loved spending time with her friend, to see her thinking this deeply makes her feel useless.

Her eyes dart down when she felt a hand on her knee, quickly she sat up and maintained steady eye contact with Kyoka. Even still... no matter what was the thing bothering her, nothing could ever break the spirit that lived behind her dark, calming eyes.

Momo's hand find its way to Kyoka's, giving the limb a small, reassuring squeeze. The effect was clear, the confidence coming back in Kyoka's eyes. One last push to bring everything back, and that was giving Kyoka a small smile.

Kyoka looked away with blushing cheeks. Momo knows like the back of her hand how to push Kyoka's buttons, she'd already heard of part of her backstory, she knows her language.

(A/N: Yet she still is oblivious as heck)

Her eyes fell back down at their joint hands, Kyoka's pinky finger played with hers and her smile only grew. She was always the one that was subtle, no matter her ability to not lie, she can sneak a few movements here and there. "I made a song for you..."

Her reaction was like one of a snap of a finger. Eyes wide, mouth agape and fingers tightening on Kyoka's. She couldn't describe the warmth that seeped in her chest, the lightness she felt in her mind.

"I made a song... just for you." Kyoka repeated as if she was the one that was taking in the news instead of Momo, and the sight was just so adorable that Momo had to cover her mouth to stop a sound that would definitely embarrass her. "I made it..."

Momo bumped their shoulders together, "Care to tell me when you'll let me hear it?" Unconsciously, she pulled Kyoka closer toward her.

Kyoka's head ducked low, "Probably... the next time I bring my guitar."

"And where do you want us to sing it?"

"My room? But older me is there so... what about behind the Dorm Building? Above the trees– If you don't mind?" Kyoka asked shyly, looking back up to meet with Momo's eyes. She looked adorable. "Please..?"

Shock filled Momo to a brim. Did Kyoka just ask as if she was ready for a rejection? Who in All Might's might made her feel that way and why?

Shaking her head, she pushed those kinds of thought to the back of her mind. Instead, she gave Kyoka a squeeze and pushed her forehead against her own and replied with a soft, "sure..."

After that, Momo continued with her studies. She'd told Kyoka that she can stay for the night because going back to her dorm at this hour could alert Iida or the other teachers that were hogging over security.

With reluctance the girl stayed and sat quietly on her bed.

As Momo writes the last sentence of her paragraph she began re-reading it. Hand massaging her temple and eyes glued to the paper, re-reading watching for any kind of mistake.

Then she just stops.

She pauses in her work, her back straightening as she listens intently. Her room was tight, compact so when someone talks, it was like they were talking without hearing sometimes, but when someone hums. That's a completely different story.

Momo looks over her shoulder and finds Kyoka splayed on her bed, a lamp open illuminating a yellow glow on her face. She was reading a book from one of Momo's shelves and luckily enough, it was a book Momo hasn't read herself.

With a soft smile, she turned back to her work and checked it with a relaxed energy. It was fun to have someone have around.


A/N: Omigash I'm alive...

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