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Even though they are apart... they are still one

[This Chapter happened before 'Dormitory Fun']

The clock struck midnight and the Yaoyorozu Household was still awake. At least, one of the members.

Momo closed the book in her hands before letting out a sigh, she turn and placed her book by the nightstand. She was about to turn off the lamp when a sudden urge to go to the basement struck her.

With a small frown she sighed and gave into her urges. She stood up and tightened her robe around herself, the coldness of the night and the house getting to her like a plague.

She shuddered, not used to this temperature.

Momo walked slowly, not wanting to wake up the little one of course. Speaking of that small devil, she stopped by her son's room. She smiled softly at the sight of Blare, hands in the air as he tries to grab something in his dream, giggling lightly when it looked like he got it and pulled it close to his chest.

As she was about to leave a small sound glassed her eyes with tears, "Maa~!"

A hand quickly went up to cover her mouth, the whimper that escaped successfully muffled. She looked over her shoulder and was relieved when she saw her baby was just sleep-talking.

She sighed a bitter smile slowly creeping on her face. God she really misses her does she?

Shaking her head, the mother focused on getting her small quest done and headed downstairs. She opened the living room lights and let her hands trail on the wall as she spins and walks down the basement stairs.

Before she opened the doors, she took a deep breath. It's alright... just because you haven't been here for two weeks doesn't mean that it's something foreign...

With confidence, the hero opened the door and walked inside.

The lights flicked open.

The studio's warmth seeped into her bones. The familiar comfort drawing out a smile that had been missing for the past few days.

She lets her eyes wander. The sets of guitars that were hung up on the walls, the horrendous amount of cabinets and of course, the booth where the memories are the most potent.

She huffed, she doesn't know why her body decided that this was a good decision. With a disheartened sigh, she turned around and was about to close the lights when a glimmering object founded her interest.

Confused, the CEO turned around and headed toward the recorders. She pulled one of the headphones on, with Kyoka's voice whispering onto her ear. She quickly registered her identity.

A hologram appeared in front of her and she scrolled down the lists of recordings. Halfway through, she got a little pissed. Seriously, Kyoka... I am impressed how you manage to make music with all of these recordings. Especially the ones that you didn't NAME CORRECTLY!

Even though she was fuming about Kyoka's un-organised way of making music, she couldn't help but smile when she 'accidentally' pressed shuffle and one of the recordings starts to play...

"Foreign Language Songs take one hundred and two. Uhh... how the fuck do you pronounce this... Ehem, okay okay... one two three"

Momo smiled hearing her wife's voice again in a long time...

She finds the recording she was looking for. Untitled 72. She remembered on their third year anniversary as a couple, Kyoka sent her a file through their phones and told Momo to listen to it before she falls asleep.

The woman sighs heavily, grabbing the chair nearby and took a seat. The audio was something Momo treasures and always listens to when she has a bad day at work. Especially days where Kyoka has to go abroad to either do some hero work or settle some businesses on Momo's behalf.

As she relaxes on the chair, letting the recorded sound play, she notices the tension on her muscles. She probably is starting to overwork herself...

She rolled her shoulders, sighing blissfully at the relief she felt.

Her whole body seem to vibrate as the strumming of guitar sounded it's intro. She loves the guitar, especially when Kyoka plays it as she works.


Don't know what to say when you look at me that way. Don't know what to do
when you just smile at me in any kind of way
It's been years and I can't handle the sparkle in your eyes
It feels like decades whenever I see you smile
and I know that we're cool
I know you feel the same way too
but baby you stay quiet all the time

So say!
Can you handle a date or two tonight?"

Momo twiddled with the ring on her finger, a content smile on her face. She fell asleep a moment later, her first time having a good sleep since Kyoka's gone missing...

(Ya'll have to keep those lyrics a secret...)


"Where are you going?" Jirou asks as she watches her younger self, fumble wearing a hoodie. "And why are you red?"

"Uhh..." Kyoka answers awkwardly, one hand reaching to the side to grab her fidget toy. She lets out a confused noise when she finds it not there and when she looks back she sees her toy being tossed from one of Jirou's jacks. Future me is giving off Mom Vibes...

Jirou sighs when Kyoka stayed silent, she sets the toy to the side, "What are you going to do?"

Kyoka promotes her fingers as toys and starts fiddling with them like a kid, "I'm just going to go and tell Momo about..."

"That you're in love with her?"

"WHAT?!" Kyoka's voice got exponentially higher, face flushing deeper. "No! It's too early for that! I just wanna tell her about this song that I wrote!"

Jirou's expression softened, "Oh. Why didn't you just say so!" With a proud smile she pushed the girl out of the room.

What the fuck?! Kyoka thinks as the door slams in front of her.

Jirou lets out a sigh turning around and walking toward the shelves.

When someone asked if her ring was a wedding ring back then, she panicked. She tried and failed to lie her way out of the situation. So when the speakers echoed Kyoka's singing that day, she couldn't express how grateful she was at the distraction.

Now she'd been more cautious, since she can't wear it on her finger then that means she has to take it off. Jirou hates it whenever she wants to take her ring off, so she pulled out the string from her hero costume and looped it on her ring and wore it around her neck. But ever since she'd been doing gym, she displeasingly hid her ring back in Kyoka's room.

She leaned down, pulling some of the CD's and placing them neatly by the side. A soft smile entered her face when she sees the small box and grabbed it.

It didn't take long to clip her necklace and placing the box and CDs back inside. She sighed blissfully, flopping down on her sleeping bag with her limbs flailed.

She wondered how her love was doing in this kind of situation, how much the girl has been taking care of herself...

Mina came by after a moment or two asking about Kyoka's whereabouts, it was confusing how she just disappeared after her answer but she didn't mind. Oddly enough, she wanted a minute to herself and think.

And her thoughts that night were just filled of a ravenette with dark eyes that seem to smile upon her, lulling her into a dream that was full of memories...


I swear Chloe_Burgeroiz, if you utter another spoiler I will CHANGE THE PLOT! *proceeds to hide the ancient notes*

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