IM - Day 2: Hide and Seek(1A Ver.)

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck

Jiro turned a corner, just barely avoiding the trash that was located there. She hopped over it and buried her jacks on the wall before twisting her body and jumping on the other side without much damage.

She doesn't know where she was going but she knows well that there will be a dead end by the end of this hallway. It's a good thing she learned a thing or two while collaborating with Tsu...

She bends her knees for a brief second and propelled herself toward the top of the wall from the balls of her feet. Her jump emitted a soft booming sound but she didn't mind, she stretched her jacks and arms.

When she reached the top, she grabbed the necklace from her pocket and tied it around her neck as she looked around. Finding a railing a little over there, she set her sights on it.

Fuck me Fuck

She hopped from one side of the wall to the other, almost perfectly copying Tsu's amateur form only adjusted due to her lack of fluid.

She looked over her shoulder and found Uraraka looking dumbfounded at her. She clicked her tongue under her breath and went in a more faster pace, her whole body bends and she hopped higher than toward the railing she found. Her next target, the roof.

"I found her!" Uraraka yelled and it wasn't long for Iida and the others coming by her side.

"How is she..?" Iida trailed off.

Bakugo shoved him to the side and prepared to use his quirk, "Step aside. No time to stop, just think and act." With those parting words, he exploded himself forward.

Jiro say through his act and without even a second glance, she held her arm out and released a frequency his way that he stopped before he could reach her, falling on the trash safely and not moving.

Jiro doubled the pace, hopping much more faster than she had been earlier. The next one who's gonna try and chase her would be...


Jiro hopped off of the side of the building, dodging the ice. Seeing it on the side of the building, she called, "SHOTO TODOROKI! I DEMAND YOU UNFREEZE THAT IF YOU DON'T WANT IZUKU TO GET IN TROUBLE!!" And with that she braced for hard concrete to hit her back.



She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by a smiling Momo. She groaned, her body stiff but she didn't try to run away from her. Momo was always safe.

"How are you feeling..?"

"Like I had fell on a wall of concrete. Where are we?" She sits up and looks around them before pausing, quickly recognising where they are. "Oh."

Momo blushed, "So you know where we are huh? I guess I really do let Kyouka inside here."

Jiro chuckled, "Yeah... man I haven't been here since forever." She stood up and runs her hand on the wooden ceiling, smiling when she sees Momo's name embedded on it. "I remember that you always come here at Midnight when you can't sleep."

"You know your information well..." Momo said, "Come sit back down, I wanna see how your back is holding up from that fall."

Jiro sat down and holds her the back of her shirt to her neck, sighing softly when she felt her warm back greet the cold air in Momo's hideout.

She shuddered at the feeling of something cold spread from her back before the warmth quickly coming back. "Does this hurt?" Jiro shook her head and waited, feeling every stroke of Momo's hand, the coolness was evenly spread out.  

She about to tug her shirt down when she felt Momo stop her, she looked over her shoulder and saw the girl was producing bandages on her arm her skin glowing the familiar pink. So she stayed still and waited for Momo to bandage her.

It didn't take long for Momo to bandage, after she'd finish she placed both on her hands on Jiro's shoulders and whispered a soft, "Done" before pulling back and fishing her phone from her pocket.

Jiro watched in silence as Momo texted someone on her phone before putting it down and opened a secret hatch by the side, bringing out a book.

"Here." She said, giving Jiro the book. "You go and read that, I texted Kyouka our location. I told her to bring snacks for us to feed on for the next two hours."

Jiro snorts but gladly accepted the book. She situated herself on the walls, bringing a pillow to her butt and another placed on her thighs.

Momo busied herself with texting someone on her phone, keeping herself distracted before the snacks arrive and the entertainment starts.

It was a few minutes before Kyouka appeared from the bunny hole, a fascinated look in her eyes as she lets her eyes wander at the fairly lit room. She hopped down and approached Momo with a smile.

"Hey..." Kyouka whispered, handing Momo the requested stuff. Momo smiled, gratefully accepting the snacks and setting them aside. She nods at Kyouka and the girl went and walked toward her older self, sat down with a groan.

Jiro watched how she acted, interested in her reaction to this place. Kyouka was spell bounded, her eyes darting from one crevice to another, the place was clean despite where it was located.

Kyouka turned toward her and asked, "Do you think she made all of this?"

"Nah... this was made by one of the students that graduated here. But she did clean and brought all of the pillows and that coffee table there."

She nods in understanding, "That makes sense. Everything here looks like it belongs, it's comforting..." Her eyes landed on Momo. The girl was placing the snacks accordingly on the table while placing the drinks on the floor, she looked so focus that Kyouka just stared at her. "She's comforting..." She murmured.

Jiro chuckled at that. Of course she thinks that way, Jiro also thinks that way so she couldn't judge.

Momo huffed, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.

Jiro blushed, yeah she couldn't judge that way of thinking one bit...


About two hours have passed. The three were talking merrily about everything that came to mind, they were laughing and joking with each other. Placing a well thought tease here and making someone blush.

Momo laughed, her voice ringing at the compact room. The two Kyoukas stared openly, blushes evident on their faces. Momo wiped a non-existent tear away, "Gosh I don't think I'll be able to forget that." She murmured, "Variable... can you believe that..."

They swallowed, the goddess in front of them looking beautiful as ever under the lights.

"Anyway! Do you want another drink, Jiro?" Momo asked, turning toward Jiro who shook her head before answering with a nod and gave her the empty can on her hands.

Kyouka raises a finger, "Give me another bag of chips."

Momo threw the can toward Jiro while she happily brought the bag of chips to Kyouka who took it with a look. Momo chuckles.

"This was fun." She said, "But I think we've had our fun. Let's get you back to the dorms so they can answer some of their questions. And you should probably just ignore them when they ask about you wedding ring." There was some kind of sadness behind her words that reflected the way she looked at the ring longingly.

Momo shakes her head, "They can take a hint, and I'll tell Kirishima to hit Bakugo if he goes over the line."

Jiro stands, holding both of her arms out to help the two up on their feet. "Sounds good to me."

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