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Aizawa sighs heavily at yet another letter from Jirou about being lonely in the dorms while the students have their classes.

"You should... probably look into that before it gets worse..." All Might comments as he watches over Aizawa's shoulder, a concerned look crossing his face at the bunk of letters that stood in the middle of his desks.

He hums, "I've let her use the lone gym on the top floor where nobody else could see her. That's enough attention as it is..."

All Might's hand came up to scratch his head, "Is it really vital to keep her away from prying eyes? We can just cover up her identity and–"

"I can't do that."

The number one hero sighs heavily and shrugs, "This is your students so I have no say..." He mutters before he transforms to his muscle form and places both hands on his hips, "Speaking of students! I have my own students to teach this Morning!"

And with that knowledge, All Might runs off to whatever hell he decides to put himself.

Aizawa turns back to re-reading the two paged letter from Jirou, words written in both front and back describing how boring it is to be left alone in a huge household. He doesn't know why it surprises him when he finds out later on that the letter was supposed to be a song...

A very very long song...

Aizawa just knows that this letter isn't going to be the last. He sighs, better prepare for more of these.

"Mic?" He called.

Said teacher looks up from his own desk, an easy smirk plastered on his lips. "Yes yes yes, Eraser?"

Aizawa stands from his desk and walks past his desk, muttering a soft order that he knows only Mic can hear, "Prepare the paper shredder..."

Without hesitation, the hero was quick to work.


Jirou bemoans, her voice echoing through the ever so empty room full of gym equipment. She crumpled the paper she recently written and gracefully threw it to the nearby trash can, successfully dipping the paper inside.

But that was that. That was a small adrenaline she has for the day, the small adrenaline she'd felt for a week.

She feels trapped.

Pulling out her phone she hesitates for a moment before she opens her screen, smiling softly at the picture. With a small sigh, she leaned in and placed a loving kiss on Momo's forehead and turned off her device and got back to doing some kicking drills.


She grunts, hitting the highest point of the punching bag. Her body quickly went back to neutral and readied herself then-


An exhale through her nose as her body comes back to protect itself. She reeled back and-


That was a sloppy one. She realises with a small frown. It really was hard to train when your not so sure of how this whole ordeal is going to end.


That was better. Her aim wasn't that precise, she knows she could do better so she tries to-


Yup. That's definitely better.

In the sixth kick though, her mind decided that it was the best time to reminisce.

Momo giggles as she easily dodges one of Kyoka's kicks. She swivelled the balls of her feet and launched herself towards her girlfriend and grabs her by the arms. She rotates her whole body and ended up behind Kyoka as she wraps her arms around her neck.

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