Crash Landed

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She held her breath as she fell, nauseous and dizziness were beyond her for she had been falling for ten minutes. She didn't know when her free fall were to end and when it did, it didn't hurt.

Jirou fell down from the sky, broke the roof and landed in the middle of a gym. Unharmed.

The confusion of class 1A was priceless. They all jumped when the roof made hole then screamed when they saw a body tumble inside.

Everybody probably thought it was a villain for they all took their stances, ready for a fight if there was one.

After a few seconds of waiting for someone, something, to come outside the crater all of them relaxed a bit as Aizawa-Sensei approached. He was low and slow, he was cautious that the person might jump up from the crater. Each and every one of his step was thoughtful and quiet.

He reached for his binding cloth when he was about to look over the crater, gripping the fabric tightly.

His body relaxed and so did the others. He saw a body, she didn't look dead, just passed out. The details that caught his attention only managed to confuse him more than he should be.

He knows he shouldn't approached, for it might be a villain in disguise. But he did so anyway.

"Sensei?" Momo called out before his whole body was completely down the miraculously deep hole. He looked over his shoulder and gave her eye contact and his attention, which was creepy by the way, "Are you sure it's good to approach? It might be a trap..."

He nodded but didn't respond. Regardless, Momo nodded on her own, understanding the situation and understanding her own Sensei's curiosity.

He slid smoothly down the crumbling concrete, stopped only when he reached the bottom.

Now he was near, he could see a clear image of the girl. Shoulder-lengthed purple hair, and extended earlobes were the obvious features, all of those were almost the exact same thing with one of his students making him have some trust in the stranger.

So he risked it and kneeled down. His hand around her head while the other was checking for injuries.

Feeling no blood leaking from her head was a relief, but when he found a few scratches and bruises made him grimace. On the back of her arm was a huge open gash but it wasn't bleeding. She needed medical attention, with how pale she is she must've lost a lot of blood.

He fished his phone from his pockets and put Nezu and Recovery Girl on speed dial.

While it rang, he turns around, "Yaoyorozu! Make a stretcher now! The girl needs medical attention." Only when he heard her quirk activate did he bring his attention back to the body and his phone.

He reported everything that happened to Nezu and after that, he had called for the bots to carry the woman to the clinic for examination and probably just scanning her for identification.

He ended his call with Recovery girl and he jumped out of the hole.

"What is it?" Was what most student asked.

He shrugged, "It's someone." They gasped, "She's still alive and is breathing heavily. She doesn't have any other serious injuries other than the large gash she had on her arm and the scars on her face."

"Can we go in?" Kaminari asked, fists pumped in excitement.

He glared at him, "No." And he deflated at the news.

"Who are they?" Momo asked. Of course she had to ask the million dollar question. It's almost her quirk, how she knows the right words to say.

He looked at her, "I can't identify her, Recovery Girl would be here any second." He then looked over his shoulder, "Probably scan her and identify what she's doing here. Anyway, Midoriya." Midoriya flinched, "Help me carry her to the stretcher." Said stretcher was in Momo's hand.

Midoriya nodded and jogged to the hole, Aizawa followed closely.

His eyes widen at the sight while Aizawa was already at the bottom, his hands on her legs and waited for the other boy to help him.

"How'd she survive that fall?" He muttered then slid down.

He grabbed her by her shoulder and the three of them walked out of the hole, slowly but surely.

As soon as they got out, the class swarmed around them, or rather, swarmed around Midoriya. They had shocked and unreadable faces.

Midoriya looked up from the girl's face, "Do you recognise her, Sensei?" He simply shook his head, "That's weird..."

"Yeah! And what's more weird is that she looks so much like Jirou!" Mina exclaimed from the back.

All of them turned to the petite girl, who swallowed and backed away from their prying eyes. Now that they look closely, she did look an awful lot like Jirou. But before anyone could actually dwell on it, the bots came and just scooped her and onto Momo's stretcher.

They really need answers...

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