Quickly Embarrassed

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The two were panting as soon as they reached the bathroom that was at the opposite wing of the cafeteria. Kyoka made sure to lock the door and checked the stalls. People don't come here often, that's what she knew and was glad that no one was there.

Momo was getting more and more worried with each time Kyoka had double checked stalls and doors.

Only when Kyoka slumped in relief on the sink did Momo have the courage to speak to her.

She walked to her best friend and placed a hand on her shoulder, making Kyoka turn towards her. The sight of onyx eyes made her breath out her relief.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly, not wanting to make the girl jump.

Kyoka shook her head and a sheepish smile came to her face, "No, It's nothing. I'm sorry to drag you.. here, of all places." She gestured widely at the bathroom.

Momo took one of Kyoka's hand and held it to her chest, staring at Kyoka in a determined way. Even though she didn't say anything, it still brought a blush to Kyoka's cheek.

Kyoka looked away, further more embarrassed than earlier.

She held the hand tighter making Momo blush, but she toyed with herself and thought it was only her brain screwing with her again.

Momo held their sandwiched hand down.

"Yeah... I just got embarrassed." Kyoka rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand. The blush still not going away with Momo's hand with not one, but two. Sandwiching hers in both.

Momo slightly tilted her head to the side, "Was it Mina's sudden outburst earlier?"

She shook her head as a answer.

She looked back at Momo, a blush on their faces. She smiled sheepishly for the second time, "That was only part of it."

"Oh?" She was way cute than what others told her. She's a cute hottie. Momo smiled reassuringly, "Only if you're comfortable, would you mind telling me the rest?"

Kyoka shrugged, "Sure." Then a smirk had settled in her face, "You should know I could never keep things from you."

Momo smiled softly. Too soft to be platonic.

Then Kyoka became too shy. She looked away and started to tighten and loosed her grip with her elbow. Momo couldn't help but think it was too cute.

"Uhh... I was caught staring..."

Momo stared in disbelief for a moment. Her eyes ushered her for an explanation but Kyoka wasn't even looking at her in the eyes.

"Toru kinda thought I have a crush on Tsu?" She said, "She thought I was staring at Tsu when in truth I was —" She stopped herself before she confessed the one thing she kept so close to her chest.

Momo quirked a brow, there was no slyness in her face but Kyoka knew better, "In truth you were..?"

Kyoka cleared her throat. She forced a bright smile, "Her salmon! She had a very tasteful salmon! I kinda wished I ordered that too, but my pockets are empty..." She laughed only for it to slowly extinguished when Momo still stared at her.

Then there came a smirk, "You. Are a very bad liar. You know that?"

Kyoka scoffed, too plastic that it wanted to make her cringe. She placed a thumb to her chest proudly, "I. Am a decent liar."

"No you aren't." Momo giggled. The sound heavenly to Kyoka's sensitive hearing, "Did the gods give you that trait to only tell the truth?"

Momo felt giddy at the thought of Kyoka not having the courage to tell a lie. That only becomes the spine of all the compliments Kyoka has thrown her way.

"Were you staring at me?" 

Kyoka flinched. She hit the very spot she protected so close to her chest, it made her feel a lot of emotions but one stood out.

She scoffed, "No I wasn't. I was –"

She was lost at words the minute she saw the grateful smile on Momo's face. Kyoka didn't blush at the sight, instead she returned it with her own. Immediately she felt relaxed.

She sighed and slumped forward in defeat, "Yeah..."

"What for?"

"I just think you look beautiful. Superior even." She straightened her back and smiled widely, a true one this time, "Oh! Breathtaking!"

Momo blushed, now she was the one who looked away, "T-thank you..." Those were so true in Kyoka's mood that it made her want to hug the shorter girl.

"I'm sorry." Momo's head whipped back to Kyoka. Kyoka shrugged half-heartedly, "If you think it's creepy, I'll stop."

Momo laughed. The sound echoing throughout the room and made Kyoka proud and confused. Proud, because she can witness and hear that beautiful sound and confused, because she doesn't know why she was even laughing.

Momo waved a hand but her laughter continued, stopping her from the possibility to speak. Kyoka waited. She always will wait.

"I-I'm sorry!.." Momo apologised in between small giggles, "Jirou, you are too adorable!" Kyoka flushed.

"You know you could just call me Kyoka..." She muttered.

Momo looked up, her laughter silenced by those small words. Kyoka was worried but it quickly vanished when she saw Momo's eyes become glassy and there was that sweet smile on her face.

Momo nodded, "Momo it is." Kyoka returned the smile and Momo could feel her heart flutter out of her chest at the sight, "And don't think that what you're doing is creepy. I assure you I find it adorable, especially when it comes to you." She pinched Kyoka's cheeks.

Kyoka brushed the hand out and pouted.

"Aww. Does my Kyoka not like having her cheeks squished?"

Kyoka blushed for the hundredth time that day. One because Momo called her by her first name and two... two was because she was hers. All of her was Momo's.

Kyoka managed a small smile. Then it faded into a smirk, "You're lucky you're tall. I could've squished yours in return." She rubbed her cheek, not that it hurt, but because it was the place Momo had touched her in a playful manner.

Momo giggled, "Then I'm glad then." She said. Momo then measured Kyoka's height with her hand and Kyoka seemed a little offended, "You, though, you are too small."

Kyoka held a finger up to Momo's lips, just inches away from it brushing against each other, "I, thank you very much, is a late bloomer. Just watch what will happen when I become twenty-one."

Momo giggled, but before she could talk back the bell had ringed.


Yeah the the OCs are in the next chap, not this one.

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