IM - Day 1: Barrage

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NOTE: the next seven chapters I think are probably just going to be this because in my notes I just put:
"Timeskip but make it interesting..."

So yeh. Enjoy.


"What the-"

Jiro cuts herself off as another spoon full of food was forced on her. She choked on the rice and it took a minute for her to get back to normal, she smiled gratefully at Momo who looked at her with an apologetic look.

She wiped her mouth and refused the next spoonful, "Okay okay! Stoop! I know what ya'll are doing!"

"Us? We're doing nothing~!" Mina elongated before roughly pushing the spoon of which Jiro easily batted away without spilling inside, "Come on, Jiro-san! You need to eat your food!"

"Ashido's right. Here, some juice I made with the fresh grapes Iida-kun brought from the market." Ojiro gave her the glass with the winning smile, stunning Jiro at the brightness of it all.

She gratefully accepts the juice, taking a small sip before chugging it down and giving it back to Ojiro. "Thanks. Also are you sure that fresh fruits are the only thing you put in there?"

"Oh? I used the fruit Iida brought and some sweeteners I asked from Sato-san." He explains simply as he pours her another glass.

She smiles at him before turning to Momo her smile turning to one that showed her teeth and framing her eyes letting Momo see the teasing glint behind them, "Also don't you have a date to prepare for? Since y'know... you're having free time off?"

Even though the girl's face went ablaze, she stood from her seat and dusted off the shorts she wore. She bowed slightly at Jiro's direction before she softly murmured, "Y-yes... of course. Our little 'date', thank you for the reminder, Jiro..."

Jiro snickers behind her fist, watching as Momo enters the elevator and going up the floors.

"Where was she going?" Tsu asked, Ochaco trailing closely behind her whose eyes were still trained at the elevators.

She turned to Tsu with a confused look, "She looked like she was in a hurry..."

"Oh, Uraraka and Tsu! Where were you at? As soon as we were dismissed the both of you were already gone before we can do anything." Toru said walking up to them and handing them glasses of juice. "Here have some juice. We were about to watch a movie."

"A movie?" Uraraka asked excitedly, "Who's picking??"

"Kirishima-kun and Bakugo. Apparently someone wanted to watch some Deadpool." Uraraka tilts her head, "It's Kirishima." the girl let out an 'o' sound in understanding. "Now answer my question. Where were you?"

Before Ochaco could say anything, Tsu grabbed her hand and dragged her toward where Jiro was located while answering Toru's question. "I had something I wanted to clear up with Ochaco-chan."

"That so! Okay! I'm going to go upstairs and grab Aoyama, Tokoyami and Kaminari."

"I'm coming with you! Midoriya you come here and feed Jiro-san for me while I'm gone okay?" Mina said without looking for his response, twining her and Toru's arm and dragging each other toward the stairs.

Midoriya reached his hand out but gave up half way with a sigh. He sits on where Mina was at and grabs a spoonful and hands it to Jiro who also sighs and just eats the food.

A shiver ran down Jiro's spine and when she turned to her side she gave Todoroki an apologetic smile.


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