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Third-person, written by Shiro

The neon lights shined so bright compared to the rest of the place. Y/N was at a bar, getting completely wasted to overcome her sadness. Her boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) has recently dumped her after she found out about his gambling addiction. Sitting at one of the stools she ordered a bloody mary from the bartender.

"I want bloody mary...actually make that two", Y/N slurred

The bartender nodded and went to grab the necessary ingredients for the drink. Quietly, a tall man sat on the stool next to Y/N, attempting to make conversation with the drunk girl.

"Hey sugar, wanna hang out in the back?", he said

"Nooooo leave me alone you dick", Y/N replied to him, making the man more annoyed and aggressive

"I said", he grabbed her arm, "wanna go out in the back"

"I told you! Nooo"

"You're gonna make this difficult for yourself aren't ya sugarplum?"

The man started to drag Y/N away from her stool and outside. Y/N started kicking and thwarting the man, but to no avail. Luckily for her, someone noticed her cries for help.

Another tall man emerged from the shadows, wearing a scuffed up suit with the tie untied. He had messy hair slicked back with a little bit of stubble. Walking over to the man taking Y/N, and kicking him right in the groin.

"You heard the lady", he said is a scratched up voice, "She doesn't wanna go with you"

Y/N looked at the dude, a total hottie she thought to herself. Like a knight in shining armour.

"You people are no fun", the creep said, walking away from the both of them

The lifesaver looked back at Y/N and asked, "Are you okay? Do you have a way to get home?"

Y/N still overcome with alcohol said, "Yes and noo"

He sighed in disbelief, "I don't have any money with me to get you an uber, but I'm not drunk, so I'm going to do the right thing here and drive you home myself."

"Alright hunk"

"Yada yada, just hold my hand so I don't loose your drunk ass", he snarled

Y/N took the mysterious man's hand and went through a number of turns until she felt the crisp air against her skin.

"In the car," he said, "and take my jacket, I could see you shivering from a mile away", putting his blazer over her shoulders

His jacket smelled of dry laundry and alcohol. The man opened the backdoor for Y/N as she made her way inside the car, hearing the door close behind her and seeing him go to sit in the driver's seat.

"What's your address?", he asked

"It's, uhm, uhhhhh", Y/N trailed on and on with a series of "ums" and "hmms"

"God, you're so drunk you can't even remember your own address?", he exclaimed in disbelief

"Hehe I guess you have to take me to your place", Y/N said drunkenly

He turned around to face her and said, "You sly motherfucker" and turned back around, starting the car

After many minutes, Y/N heard the engine turn off and the man opened the door right next to her. She fell suddenly and soon enough she was being carried in bridal style. The man opened the door to his house and carefully set her down on the sofa.

"Take these clothes for after your shower", he says, tossing Y/N a pair of plaid pants and an oversized band shirt, "I'll get you some cold water to drink afterwards and the shower is down the hall and to your right"

Y/N slowly stands up and picks the clothes and heads to the shower. But before she does, she asks, "What's your name"

"Speaking an actual sentence for once, heh", the man says, "It's Schlatt, and you?"

"Y/N?", she questions herself, making Schlatt chuckle again

Once Y/N was in the shower, she got her senses to be a bit clearer, and started thinking logically. What happened at the bar? Why did this guy take me? Where did this guy take me? And most importantly of all, do I trust him? She just decided that was a yes, since he did take her home safely and didn't kill her, yet at least.

Exiting the shower, she saw Schlatt looking at his phone, scrolling up and down every few seconds. Finally noticing Y/N he says, "Take some water, it'll help"

Y/N accepts the water and drinks it, the water really does help with the headache that recently popped up.

"Thanks", she said, finishing the cup and putting it down

"It's not a problem", says Schlatt, "You should head to bed soon, if you have any pain, sleep will help with that"

"Sure, where can I sleep?"

"Well, since you're a guest, you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch"

"You shouldn't, I should sleep on the couch", argued Y/N

"Since you wanna disagree with me, how about we both just share the bed. My heater recently broke so it's gonna be pretty cold", said Schlatt

Y/N followed Schlatt to his bedroom where she laid down on it, very awkwardly. Schatt noticed and said, "Hey, I'm not gonna bite", smiling afterwards. This did calm Y/N down a bit, as he turned off the lights and made his way over to the bed, laying down and pulling the blankets over the both of them.


"Yeah Y/N?"

"I'm cold"

"Well I did tell you that my fuckin' heater broke so it's gonna be a little cold!"

"I didn't think I would be this cold dickhead!"

"If you want to be a bit warmer, just hug me for fuckin gods sake!"

A silence filled the room, both of them realizing what just happened.

"Alright, fine. Since you ever so insist", Y/N says, wrapping her arms around Schlatt

The silence continued after, until Y/N felt two arms wrap around hers. Both of them did get warmer, from their hugging and their butterflies, and both fell asleep.

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