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first-person, written by Justine

I was making dinner, chicken and mashed potatoes with broccoli, (mac and cheese instead of mashed potatoes for tubbo) and just having a nice time. Schlatt and tubbo are out doing last minute christmas shopping for our friends and family while I am getting dinner ready.

They should really be home any minute at this point. It is 6:30 and dinner should be ready anytime soon.

I start putting silverware on the table when I hear the door open and then a little cry.Then the door closes and a big sigh. I look out into the living room to where the door is and see tubbo wiping his eyes and running to his room. I then see schlatt at the front door, taking his shoes off. I walk up to schlatt quickly and cross my arms

"What happened?" I say in a serious, but worried tone.

He sighs and puts the keys away when he looks at me and says, "We saw this toy... a little stuffed bee."

I sigh and wipe my forehead. Great.

"He wanted it, but since Christmas is two days away, i told him to ask santa for it and that we couldn't get it right now." He says after closing the closet door after putting his shoes in.

I frown and nod my head as I go to the kitchen to turn off the flame to all the food. I then go back out to the living room.

"Food is ready by the way." I tell schlatt before walking to tubbos room

His door is shut and I can only hear whimpers from the other side of the door.

I knock three times and then calmly say, "Hey buddy, can I come in?"

The tiniest "no" comes from the other side of the door.

"Please?" i say, trying to convince him more.

I then hear a tiny "okay" and I open the door to see Tubbo on his bed, face down into the pillow. I go and sit on the bed next to him.

"Hey, I heard what happened" I say, trying to start a conversation.

He just grunts and I rub his back slightly while continuing.

"You know, there's two days left, and I heard santa is still checking his letters. Let's go eat some dinner and then write a letter. I'll even help you" I say while giving him a big grin. He then turns on his side and wipes his eyes again. He then nods and sits up. With his red face full of hot tears, I pick him up and we both head to the kitchen. I put him down so he can sit in the chair when I go to make his plate.

I have never seen Tubbo eat so fast. He is piling broccoli and mac and cheese into his mouth as fast as he can. Horns holding his hair back so it doesn't get into his mouth.

"Calm down buddy! I don't want you to choke!" I told him, not wanting him to literally die. He slows down a little as we all finish up our dinner. Tubbo takes our plates and brings them to the sink.

"Wow! You've never done this before. I guess you really want to be nice to get that bee!" He does a fast nod as he goes into the computer room to get paper and a pen.

Schlatt leans over to me, "I'll get him the bee don't worry." he says, leaning back and smiling at me before he goes on his phone

I nod and smile as tubbo comes back with the paper and pen and puts it on the table. I scoot closer to him and see what he is trying to write.

The letter looks something like this:

Deer sAnta,

I have ben a good boy this yeer and I wood like this bee at the growceiry store.

Thank u

He looks at me in approval and I give him a big thumbs up. He then runs back to the computer room and gets an envelope.

I look at schlatt and say, "damn he's too cute"

He nods and rubs my shoulder

"He gets that from me" he says

I smack his hand off and we both smile as tubbo runs back and puts the letter in the envelope. He then writes "to santa claws, north pole" on the front and licks the seal. I grab his hand and we both go out front to put the letter in the mailbox.

We put it in and head inside and then start to get him ready for bed. He goes off to brush his teeth as Schlatt pulls me aside.

"You know, you're hot"

"Yeah i kinda know that" i say while smirking.

"I feel so bad that I couldn't get him the bee Y/N, he even gave me puppy eyes but i had to decline, even though i was going to get it for him eventually" he says, upset with himself a little

"Well, when you get home from work tomorrow, just buy it." I say while he kisses my forehead and nods his head.

We pull away as I go help Tubbo with the rest of his bathroom needs

(Christmas day)

We opened up all of the presents but we left the bee aside.

Schlatt and I both see tubbo with a little frown after opening his last present, a big rubber duckie.

Schlatt hid it behind the tree so no one could see it if they weren't looking for it.

"Well, I think santa got you one last gift!" I say as I pull out this blue box with a bow on it

I give it to toby and he opens it quickly to reveal a plush bee. He smiles and hugs it and thanks santa profusely as schaltt and I lean in for a side hug.

"We are good parents" he says in my ear

"Heck yeah we are"

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