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first person, justine

"okay y/n, you ready?" karl asks with both thumbs up.

"as ill ever be." y/n says with both hands by her side.

she is currently in a big cylinder thing thats blue. karl is trying to attempt letting someone else time travel. He wants to see if he can let other people do it with his powers.

"3, 2-"

before he can get to one, she feels a rush of wind, then a lot of talking. she opens her eyes and sees a lot of people together, shirts in hands with glowsticks.

its the concert.

She looks at the stage, which is blaring music. good ol glass animals. it was her favorite band until the incident happened.

She turned to her left to see wilbur smiling, looking up at the stage. Shouting lyrics to a song she couldn't recognize the moment. she looks at her phone to see the time. 9:43.

She had to get out of there NOW. but how is she going to when wilbur is having such a good time?

"hey b, we should go. Im not feeling too well at the moment." she says, trying to find a good excuse to get out of there.

He looks at her and grabs her left hand. "aw, we are only half way through the concert, are you sure you can't hold on longer?" he says with a bit of a frown, but still bopping to the music.

"im really sorry, but I kind of want to throw up and I don't want to go alone!" y/n says, really emphasizing the words, since it is going to happen any minute.

wilbur frowns a bit more as he agrees to go with her. they are on the ground floor, so there are people EVERYWHERE. she looks at her phone to see 9:45. one more minute until it happens.

Before he can say anymore, y/n starts booking it. She holds wilburs hand as tightly as possible as she runs through the crowd. Bumping people and making some fall over, saying sorry as they do.

y/n has never ran faster. Her legs are taking her to the nearest exit as fast as they can. she hears wilbur shouting, trying to figure out why they are going so fast.

they finally make it out of the venue when they hear it. the gunshots.

Wilbur kind of stops in his tracks while y/n is still pullng him.

"y-y/n?" he says with major concern in his voice.

"THERE'S NO TIME! WE HAVE TO GO!" she says as she runs through a near by park to their car.

They make it to the car and y/n gets in the drivers seat and wilbur gets in the passenger.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Y/N?" he says while panicking.

she doesn't say anything, she just drives until they are far away from the scene. wilbur was on his phone the whole time, sometimes getting phone calls and lots of text messages. you can tell he knows something is wrong.

they finally make it to this parking lot. it is near a home depot and a walmart. y/n parks the car and gets out. wilbur does too, wanting to know what she is doing.


"WILBUR CALM DOWN." she says, holding her forehead.

he backs down and leans against the car. he crosses his arms as he wants y/n to speak.

"let me explain," she says, taking a deep breath.


he goes on a little rant while y/n can just stand there and listen. he finally stops as he lets her speak.

"look, you're here aren't you! you might of not been if we were a minute too late!" she says while exaggerating her arms.

Wilbur gives her a shocked look as she runs to his arms. he accepts her in his arms as they hug and slightly sob.

"wait, but how, how did you know that was going to happen?" he says, letting the grip on her go a little.

She backs up and looks at him.

"thats something i cant tell you. but its nice to know youre here."

"im here? what do you mean its nice to know im here?" he says, getting more suspicious as time goes by.

She puts her hands on his arms and looks him in the eyes.

"i have to go b. I love you so much. its very nice to see you again." y/n  says as she backs up and wipes her eyes.

"go? where are you going? we can just take the car home!" he says gesturing towards the car.

"you don't get it. you wouldn't, couldn't. please, stay safe out there. ill miss you."

He starts to run towards her as she snaps and closes her eyes. She then feels a gush of wind and then hears nothing. she opens her eyes and sees karl with a very happy face.

"DID IT WORK?" he says happily, but questioning.

"it did." she says as she rushes towards karl, embracing him while sobbing.

it was nice she got to see him alive again.

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