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its just a typical thursday night.

y/n and karl are baking a cake! this time, they are making a funfetti one! they have a weekly baking session, because karl just loves his sweets.

"Okay now get me two eggs please!" she tells him, needing the ingredients to make the cake.

"two eggs coming right up!" he says as he grabs the eggs from the fridge.

They add all the ingredients together and mix the mixture. karl is mixing it while y/n is standing behind him, holding his waist and leaning into his back.

He makes weird meowing noises as he uses all his might to mix the cake batter. They are having a great time until they both get a notification on both of their phones.

They are both confused because they aren't in a gc together, nor did anyone they know tweet something.

y/n lets go of karl and goes to her phone. she taps the screen and sees this notification pop up.



y/n is is shock. she drops her phone on the counter and drops to the floor.

karl stops mixing and looks over at her.

"y/n? y/n lovely, are you alright?" he says as he looks at her phone, knowing thats what caused her to be like this.

he covers his mouth and has an audible gasp. he drops to his knees in front of her. They both don't say anything for a good minute before karl begins to talk.

"okay, y/n. i know this is a horrible time, but we need to make the most of it!" he says, getting up and holding his hand out.

she looks up at him and takes a big gulp. she grabs his hand and stands up with him.

he smiles, knowing shes in with any idea he has, since they have such little time. He then holds her hand tighter and runs to their bedroom.

"what are we doing here! we barely have anytime!" she says in a panic

"look!" karl says, moving old clothes out of the way, bringing out old scrapbooks of their time together.

"its our first date!" he says after opening a book and pointing to an image. its of karl holding y/n on his back in the rain, smiling and laughing.

y/n just stands behind him, taking in the memories, knowing that they won't make anymore after today.

"and its when we met up with quackity, tommy, and tubbo!" he then points at a picture of all of us at a carnival, doing the stupidest faces imaginable.

They are now both laughing through their tears. enjoying everything that they can before its over. karl puts the scrapbook away and turns to y/n. he picks her up bridal style and runs over to their bed. he places her down on it before he goes and joins her. they both lay on their backs before they take out their phones to tell everyone they loved goodbye.

Karl tweets out to all his fans, just a single heart. he then texts all of the people he talked to, just a "love you" then he turns off his phone. y/n texts the people she talked to a lot too. not many, just the people who impacted her the most. then she puts her phone away.

They throw their phones on the wall, hearing them audibly crack when they turn to face each other.

"well i guess this is it." y/n says, barely getting it out.

"hey hey hey, don't think like that." karl says, tilting her face up

"its going to be a brand new adventure! and we will be together the whole time!" he says while wiping her tears away.

She smiles and nods her head, trying to believe him.

"come here." karl says, bringing her in closer to him.

she holds on to him tightly before they start to hear a loud noise coming their way.

"i love you." she says, burying her face in his chest.

"and i love you more than you will ever know." he says before kissing her head.

The scent is the last thing of karl she remembered before ash encased them. 

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