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The Neighbor

First-person, written by Justine

Here we go!

My first day in this place called.. l'manburg?

I'm not going to even ask.

Anyways, I entered the gates of this very guarded place.

The whole thing is built inside this obsidian border that looks badass. At least I'll know that I'm protected.

I got into my little home that was built only a few days ago and I dropped my bags. I don't really know what to do in this place. I mean, all I really see are wooden homes. I know there is something HUGE on the other side of the gates and all, but I don't think I'm allowed there.

Anyways, I started making myself at home. I put my toiletries where they need to be, my clothes on hangers that were provided, and my charger and everything plugged in the walls next to the bed.

I sit on the bed, laying down right after.

holy shit this is the COMFIEST BED I'VE EVER LAYED IN

right before i almost drift off to sleep that instant, i hear a knock at my door

ooh new neighbors! i'm excited to make friends wait ahhh okay Y/N you go this just open the door

I go to the door and take a deep breath before opening it.

"Hello!" this boy with gray skin? greets me

"h-hey!" I say, stuttering a bit because I am very confused

"Welcome to L'manburg! I'm ghostbar! nice to meet you!" he says putting his hand out

"Hello! I'm Y/N! I'm glad to meet you!" i say reaching for his hand, for my hand to fall right through.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I'm a ghost! Ghostbur and all means I'm a ghost.." he says, stopping himself trying not to ramble on.

"Ooooh!" i say, still VERY CONFUSED, but i went along with it

"yeah, sorry it's kind of weird but here we are!" he says.

we kind of stand there in an awkward silence before i invite him inside, which he accepts to

i tell him about my backstory and how i worked at mcdonald's and all before he went on to tell me more about l'manburg

something about a war, a kid named tommy, and how a whole thing with a guy named dream and disks is happening.

Not gonna lie, it was kind of hot. OKAY Y/N THAT SOUNDS REALLY FUCKING WEIRD THINKING A GHOST IS HOT BUT ITS TRUE! the way that his gray hair flops over his face and the way he tugs at his yellow sweater is just cute!

Wow, I need some therapy.

"And I also give out this thing called blu. it calms people down and yeah.." he says as he shows me a piece of blue.

I take it and smile as I put it on my nightstand.

"Thank you Ghostbur. I really appreciate it." I say as I smile

He smiles back as I get a phone call by my Mom

"Sorry, can I take this real quick?" I tell him as he nods and i go off to the bathroom to take the call

While she's talking, I can hear faint conversation where Ghostbur is telling someone or something about beauty

"She's...... beau.......she really i...."

I couldn't really get out what he was saying, but I eventually ended the call and went back out into the regular room

I go and sit on the bed next to him again as he gets up

"Well, Y/N, it was lovely to meet you and I would love to talk again sometime!"

I get up and follow him to the door

"Yes of course! You know where i'll be!" I say as he walks outside

We say our little goodbyes as i close the door and go to lay on my bed to notice something hard under the sheets

I pull down the sheets to see a piece of blue with a note that says,

"I think you're really pretty :)"

Damn he's too cute

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