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third person, justine

It was 11:35 when Y/N was about half way through her essay that was due at 12. She needed to get it done since this was the biggest project of the year.

It is about how dogs can't look up. I know, kind of a weird topic, but she decided on it and had to roll with it. There was no changing it up now.

She was drawing a blank. She didn't know how dogs could really look up and there was nothing really on the internet that had and showed proof that dogs couldn't look up, and with Karl being in the room across from her streaming and yelling and all of that, it was hard from her to concentrate. Something about dreamnotfound was being talked about every 5 minutes and that couldn't get out of her brain

She slams her head against the table as she gets out of her seat and goes to the room karl is in. She knocks loudly three times on the door as she hears karl mumble something to his friends and then get up to open the door.

He opens it slightly to see the face up a distraught Y/N

"Yes?" He says very calmly and innocently

"Well i have a paper due in about 20 minutes and i can't concentrate when you and your idiot friends are screaming about this stupid ship. Please be a bit quieter or I am going to blow my brains out" She says, ending it with a sarcastic smile.

Karl gets the idea and shakes his head frantically up and down.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be that loud! I'll keep it down I promise." He says in such a frantic and upsetting toned voice.

She nods as he closes the door and she walks back to her room and sits down, trying to get the paper done before it is considered late.

It is now 12:09 and she finishes the last words, "and that is the reason dogs can't look up give me an A thanks ;)" Gotta ask for a good grade sometimes

She clicks in the turn in button, realizing that it is now considered late.

"GOD FLIPPING DAMNIT!" she says as she slams her hands against the table. She slams her laptop as she gets out of her chair and goes to get out of her hot room.

She goes to the kitchen and gets gummy bears as she walks back to her room and flops down, front first onto the bed. She lets out a loud groan, knowing that her grade is going to be lowered since it was 9 minutes late.

She then hears Karl ending his stream and saying something about ending the stream early and how sorry he was before she hears his door open and close. She then hears the door to her room open and then close lightly, knowing that Karl came in.

"Hey," He says, trying to start a conversation.

She doesn't answer as he continues

"I am really sorry about earlier. I didn't know that you had so much work to do and that I was being so loud." he says in a sincensire voice

She turns over and smiles at karl, who is looking down at her

"It's whatever. You gotta do what you gotta do i guess." she says as she boops his nose and sits up

"No but seriously, i feel so bad. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

She just smiles as she moves up to the top of the bed and gets under the covers. She then pats the bed next to her indicating that he should sit there

He follows her and gets under the covers as they both doze off while hugging each other.

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