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First-person, written by Justine

This is the biggest battle yet.

Enemies left and right, seeming like there is no escape.

The war of sarcodina (idk) has been going on for about 2 and a half years now. No one knows if there is going to be an end to it, it just feels like it's been going on for decades.

Throughout this whole war, I have met a lot of people along the way. Many of them have seemed to become my friends. Let's start out with Wilbur, he is more like the dad of our little group of friends. He always makes sure that we are okay and that we keep moving. Then there is Niki. She is like a mom. Along with Wilbur, she makes sure that you are good and will help you through any situation, no matter how bad it is. Then there is tommy. He is the youngest of us all and really crazy, but can fight like a beast when he needs to. Then there is Eret. Him and I have grown really close these past years. We have this sort of connection that I just don't really have with the rest of the members

When we go out to battle, we always seem to stick right next to each other making sure that either one doesn't get hurt.

And when we are hanging around the pubs and talking about how it is back home, we always have the best conversations. He even gives me his leftover snacks and drinks if he has any left. We just have that sort of connection.

There is always a little bit of flirting throughout everything too. You know, a little sneaky complement here and there about our hair, how funny we are etc.. It's nice having someone like that in your life during a hard time like this.

We are all in a bar sitting at a table that sat all of us. Playing cards and drinking liquor, like we always like to do when we hear gunshots and screams from outside. This bar was in the worst of places. Very close to a battle field. I know, it was a really bad idea to come here, but it was 1 am and we didn't think that a fight would happen this late!

We all look at eachother and stand up quickly, spilling liquor over the cards and run towards the doors with our rifles in hand. We open the door and see gunshots flying every which way. We then see people from our side start firing back at them which is our signal to start fighting back.

We all brace ourselves as we go outside and start blindly firing at the opposing team. I finally get a good look and there are HUNDREDS of people shooting at us. Tommy and Wilbur move forward with a lot of other soldiers, trying to gain ground to kill all of the opposing side. Niki follows them slightly behind, making sure that they don't get hurt in the process. Eret and I are a bit behind, just looking out for each other while shooting the enemy team as best as we can.

"GO GO GO COME ON!" Wilbur shouts, trying to get all of us ahead.

There are so many soldiers. This is probably the biggest battle that we have fought so far.

Eret and I move more ahead when more bullets just keep flying our way. I move foward with him, trying to get behind wilbur slightly when I hear a yelp, and a thump.

I look to my left and see Eret on the dusty ground with a bullet in his stomach

"NO!" I say as I get on my knees and try to attend to him

"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! GUYS! WILBUR! NIKI! TOMMY!" I say, trying to get their attention while everything is going on.

Wilbur and Niki come back, Niki with a shocked expression on our face.

She immediately pulls out a first aid little kit with bandages and tries to patch him up.

Tommy takes hold of all of the bad guys with the rest of the soldiers, trying to keep the opposing side from getting any closer.

There is so much blood. Swimming pools of blood come out of Erets stomach. The bandages aren't helping at this point.

I let out a little tear and start screaming

"THIS CAN'T BE! WE CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!" I say, trying to keep Eret alive.

"Y/N, you have to go." Eret says, trying to keep his composure, knowing what is going to happen.

"PLEASE GET UP. YOU GOT THIS! YOU'RE STRONG ENOUGH!" I say, trying my best to have hope

"Y/N WE HAVE TO GO" Wilbur says, wanting to move forward, knowing that this can't pll the team back.

I look at Wilbur and then back at Eret. Eret nods as I lean in closer to him

"I'm sorry Eret." I say with tears falling down my face.

He just smiles as he begins to say

"Just know that I loved you ever since I've met you. You're amazing, never forget that." He says as he smiles for the last time. I lean down and kiss his forehead as I close his eyes and stand up.

"We have to go." Wilbur says as he grabs my arm and pulls me away from Eret's lifeless body.

I look at him as I get dragged towards the action. I wipe my eyes and start firing back at the team, seeing that there are very few people left to kill.

About 10 minutes go by as there are no remaining people left. We did it.

Tommy, wilbur, niki, and I all shout in success, knowing that we've won this battle.

"WE DID IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ACTUALLY DID IT! IT'S OVER!" Tommy says out of victory.

We all smile and walk back to our little trenches, arms linked.

It was indeed a victory, but not a victory in my books.

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