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third person, shiro

"Where is his place again?", Y/N murmurs to herself. She got extremely lost when trying to track down where Awesamdude's house was. He said he wanted to meet up to show her something, but never specified the details of it. Trusting him without a second thought was probably not the best idea for Y/N.

Y/N wandered around the nether for a good 10 minutes until she found a portal which she prayed for to be next to Sam's house. Entering the portal with haste she made it to the overworld in one piece, and saw Sam sitting outside his house.

"Sam! I made it!", Y/N exclaims

Sam looked up and smiled, "Well I'm glad you didn't die in the nether, or else we'd have a lot of problems"

"So, is this your house?", Y/N asked, looking at the poorly built house. Made out of spruce and birch planks, with only a crafting table and a bed in it.

"Oh! Yeah it is", Sam says sheepishly, "but I have a storage place which is a lot better". He stands up and grabs Y/N's hand to a mountain beside the house.

Grabbing a hoe from his inventory, he hands it over to Y/N, "Use this on the grass block riiight here"

"Uh, okay? You're so weird Sam", Y/N says as she does his task

Just as she completes it, a large mechanical door opens up in the mountain, opening up a large space decorated from head to toe.

"You- I- How?!", she exclaims

Sam laughs, "Now THIS is way better than my house right?"

"Dude of course! How did you even do this?"

"I just sacrificed my brother for this", he smiles

Y/N chuckles, "Ohhhkay, moving on"

"Now to show you the thing-a-ma-jig"

"Lead the way"

Sam holds Y/N's hand again, and leads her to a room with a blue carpet. Walking over to the corner he removes a blanket from the floor, revealing a cat!

"Woah! A whole cat!", Y/N yells, scaring the poot cat

"Oi easy now, Simmy meet Y/N. Y/N meet Simmy"

The cat, Simmy slowly approaches Y/N as Y/N slowly reaches her hand out towards the cat. Simmy rubs her head against the hand as a form of endearment.

"She really does like you Y/N", Sam says

"Of course she would", Y/N replies, rolling her eyes jokingly

"I bought some toys for Simmy", Sam brings out a box filled to the brim with cat toys, "you wanna help me with them?"

"How could I say no to you"

For the rest of the day Y/N and Sam both played with Simmy talking about how Sam made that door contraption. 

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