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first person, written by shiro

I gazed at the glowing letters about the place, "Chipotle", I mutter. Perfect place for a first date, I guess. I didn't decide where the date would be, but here isn't the worst spot I've had. Walking towards the doors, I notice a man who perfectly matches the description of my date. Average height, black hair tucked into a LAFD beanie, a blue hoodie, and... some black sweatpants. Looks don't matter that much anyways.

"Are you Y/N?", he walks up to me

"Yep, and you're Quackity?", I ask back

"Mhm! I'm so glad I get to meet you on the fine evening", he smirks, kinda dumb looking but as I said before, looks don't matter. "So, shall we order?", he asks me

"Oh! Yes of course"

We both walk into the place, not very crowded, only about 5 other people there. Walking up to order, Quackity lets me order first. I ordered a (BLAAGFIDLAFHAKLFHAKSJHIAWFKAD) (yummy). Quackity finishes his order as well and as I go to grab my money, he stops me. Making direct eye contact with me he says, "I can pay for the both of us!"

"Are you sure?", I ask

"Yeah, don't sweat it.", he replies (he was totally sweating it)

Both of us pick up our food and walk outside as the cool air touches out skin. I shiver since dumb ol me forgot to get a jacket for this very occasion. Honestly, I wanted to dress to impress. Seems like only one of us did that in this situation.

Quackity looks over to me, clearly noticing my shiver and looking concerned.

"Do you want me hoodie?", he asks worriedly

"No no, I'm fine-"

"Just take it! I don't wanna see you be cold."

He placed his food on a nearby table and took off his hoodie (hot) and handed it over to me. The hoodie smelled like cinnamon...oddly nice.

"You wanna eat in my car?", Quackity asks me

"Honestly, that doesn't seem like such a bad idea"
So you know what we do? We both eat our food in his car. We chat about all there is, gaming, tables, why fast food places tax so much. I start to get sleepy and yawn. Again, Quackity takes note of this and asks, "Do you need to rest? I've got some blankets and pillows in the back...I could also change the seat arrangements in the back for you to sleep on!"

"I think that would be nice", I say

Quickly he arranges everything to my comfort and leads me to the makeshift bed. I lay down and thank him, but something's missing.

"Hey Quackity?"

"Yeah Y/N? What's up?"

"Can you sleep next to me? These pillows aren't doing it."

"Uhm, sure! I can be your pillow", he chuckles, moving to the other side of the car and sitting down so I can put my head on his legs.

"Thank you", I yawn and slowly drift off

As I fall asleep, I can feel Quackity softly stroking my hair gently, trying not to wake me up.

I finally rest my eyes and go into a deep slumber

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