a wish your heart makes

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or, the one with unexpected changes on Christmas time.

She felt truly pathetic, hiding in the kitchen just to have a little cry. Surely, the day granted the woman some maneuvering to be overly emotional but she had been keeping things in for years, now. She was good at it. She was fine.

Except for that very moment, looking out into the path that led to Harry's LA mansion as tears rolled down her cheeks, his voice carrying from the living room, a grainy image on a tiny screen the closest thing he had to his mum. It was just so unfair, the way that ratchet virus put the world upside down in just months. It broke her heart, cause YN knew what it felt like, being trapped away from the most important person in your life, the person you loved most. It had to be worse for her boyfriend, tho. He had to make a choice, to keep his family safe, was doing his best to act as if that didn't bother him much but...

YN could still see it, the heaviness in his eyes whenever he thought no one was looking. Could feel it, especially today. She'd give up anything to get him home, was the thing. No hesitations, just as she knew Harry would do for her. He'd trade everything he had, everything he was if it meant his girl could have one more day with her mom. Would use any wish, risk messing the future in a time travel just for a chance to see her with the person who made her who she was. He couldn't, but he would, and that certainty only made YN love him more fiercely.

"The bad news is that I still have no idea what she got us, but mum said she's making sure the cats don't mess up the wrapping, love" his arms wrapped around her as the man spoke, pulling her in.

"Promised it'll be the first thing we see once we can go back home"

"Anne knows you'd spoil the surprise, babe" gripping his fingers tight, YN forced herself not to break into sobs, blinking old memories away.

"I did that once! It was yehr birthday for fuck's sake...spent weeks getting everything set so you could roam the oldest library in the world, sue me for being excited!"

"It was perfect, but with only two days left, they really thought you'd keep up the charade" she felt him tense once he spotted the tear tracks, left thumb coming up to brush the traces off.

"I'm sorry she's not here right now, lovie" he didn't even have to ask. After three years, the man knew how to spot it when things got rough "I think she is, somehow, but I'm sorry it's not the way you need her to" words mashed together as he leaned over to kiss her temple, then her close eyelids once the crying started again.

"I miss her so much, H. I miss her, I miss Anne, and Gem and I just...fucking hate that you can't be home. You have a family that's so full of love. You should be with them today" she was crying so hard at the end of the sentence YN was convinced the only thing keeping her from shattering into the ground was the way he kept her close.

Harry felt the same, his grip on her growing strong as the moments passed, tears prickling the back of his own eyes while they stood there, the world feeling like too much to bear.

"I am" he whispered, once the girl tired herself out, her breathing starting to settle again. "You're here. Yeh're my family too, silly. And I'm yours. All of me, okay?" A kiss to her hair, one to her lips, her face moving when she nodded "I miss them too, but we have each other. You're right here, the most amazing girl out there. You love me back. What more could I wish for?" each of his words rang true, coating the walls of the room of a promise.

When she couldn't help but cry again, it wasn't just for sadness.

AN: it has been so long since I posted anything I don't even know if anyone is gonna read this: if you do, know that this is supposed to be a self indulgent fluffy but sad moment in time for our boy and his beloved. 2020 is hard as fuck on everyone, but they've still got each other, which is just what they need.  If you liked it, please vote/comment. See you next time!

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