just a little late (you found me) - II,

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AN: part two is here! enjoy!

She thought it would be stranger. Having him back on her life, having him around their baby when years had passed, but somehow...it wasn't. 

More often than not, Y/N would come home and just know Harry was there, feel his presence even before she got a look at him: somedays he was at the kitchen, reorganizing her things while pasta boiled on the stove, avoiding toy cars on the floor as if he was born to do it, listening to Teddy rant about a race they were having; somedays he would be sparlled out on the couch, blond toddler laying on his chest as he hummed a tune under his breath, the light from the tv making his sharp features glow on the darkened room... and it felt right. 

So right, that after some time, the girl even started hoping his work wouldn't drag so that he could make it to them before bedtime. He always made sure to call if he wouldn't, and Jeff had to be properly pissed about the number of travels he had avoided since that day in the supermarket, but Y/N didn't really care.

Harry was happy, it was the thing. Even in the beginning, even when Teddy wouldn't do much more than mutter a shy "hi" when he came over, clutching to his mom, green eyes following his father through unruly curls, the singer always seemed more like himself when he was there, and if something didn't change in the time they spent apart, was the fact that she wanted him to be happy.

It was all she had ever wanted, after all. She had fucking filled for divorce cuz she thought Connie would make him happier than she could when losing him hurt more than she was able to put into words.

There was nothing she wouldn't do for the guy, even now, especially when she opened the door to his laugh filling the room, Teddy pulling on his curls as he bounced on his back, not a care in the world for the thunder rowling outside...

It was bloody worth it.


He never stayed over. 

The singer had no idea how he managed to sneak around to their old apartment for months now without paps on his heels, but he sure as hell wouldn't risk. He knew they were fucking hunting him down for news on the Connie breakup, and the last thing Harry wanted was to them to deduce it had happened because he was back with Y/N.  She hated the sick need of the media to know stuff about them (or to fill in the blanks with lies when they didn't have anything good enough to print), and honestly, he was scared of what she would do if she was forced into the spotlight again. 

He never stayed over, and yet, there he was.

Crumpled up in her couch, staring at the ceiling as the storm roared louder and louder outside, listening closely in case Teddy needed him. He was doing it for his son, who was as terrified of thunders as Harry remembered Y/N being. As much as she still was, if the way she didn't fight him when he announced he was not going home that night was any indication.

"Harry?"  his name was barely a  shaken up whisper carried in the dark, her footsteps coming closer and closer when he shifted, angling his head so he could watch her small figure moving.

"Wha' is it, darling?"  the singer asked, pushing his shirt over his head again as he sat up on the cushions.

"I can't sleep"  Y/N finally mumbled, when he didn't say anything else, chocking on a sob when another thunder hit. 

"Come 'ere, kitten"  the old pet name rolled off his tongue as if he had used it every day for the past four years, the intimacy embodied on it sounding right when it was just the two of them in the dark "Hey, it's alright.  You're safe, Y/N" she was trembling when she curled up by his side, so Harry said fuck it, pulling her body close to his, wrapping the woman on his arms" 's just a bit of noise"  when she went stiff over his touch, the man thought he had crossed a line and was ready to apologize, but then a couple more seconds passed and she broke, clutching his shirt on her fist "I'm here, yeh're ok"  

He had to repeat the words so many times they lost their meaning by the time she finally started relaxing, focusing more on his voice than the noise outside. Then, before he knew it, she was asleep. Right next to him, like she had done a million times before...leaving Harry frozen on the spot.

He made a mistake. Bloody hell, he had made a lot of them, and would probably make more as he got older, but having Y/N that close threw him back in time, to all these restless nights with another girl laying on his chest as his mind raced. Because she was gone. Because he had let her go. 

Because he took a shot in the dark, one that he never regretted....but when he did it, the man didn't consider the strain it would put on his mind. Or his marriage. Because after months of him losing important events, of him never being there when she needed him, Y/N had enough and confronted him about it. About the promises he had made and broke, about how lonely she was,  about how much she missed him. And Harry couldn't deal with it. So they fought,again and again, time went by and he grew closer and closer to Connie, because she was easy. She had no complaints, no questions...

She also didn't care for him as much as she cared for the attention his public image would grant her, something Styles realized too late. 

Too fucking late. 

He lost everything, more than he knew, even. And he was the only one to blame for it.


He didn't move until the rain stopped, too afraid of disturbing the woman, too busy watching her as the hours ticked by. She was still nestled into him when the morning light broke through the blinds, groaning from it, rubbing her face on his shirt. 

"Come on, let's go to bed, yeah? Storm 's over" the singer mumbled, willing his heart to slow down and his body to stop tingling just because she was touching him

"Don' wann' move" 

"Don't have to" getting up with her on his arms, Harry made his way down the hall, stealing a glance at the little boy sound asleep on a red twin bed, blond curls coming out of the thick duvet. If they were lucky, maybe Y/N could sleep in.


"Thank you" the words made the man mutter a curse under his breath as he bent down to get an action figure he had just tripped over from the floor "For staying, last night. Teddy....he needed you" she was blushing when his eyes turned to her again, glancing at her own hand wrapped around his wrist "I did, too"   his body moved before his brain could catch up to it when Y/N pulled him back to stand by the bed, crashing her body into his in a tight hug, holding into him with a force that showed she was scared the man was about to pull back from the embrace. 

As if.

"It's alright, kitten. I'm here now" he was scrambling his mind for something to say when silence filled the room,especially after she let go, but kept her eyes on his, both breathing in the same air as the energy in the room changed, became heavier with the words they were not saying. He had to distract himself before he did something reckless...like kissing her. Gosh, he was dying to kiss her.

Hell, he would have, but then, right as he leaned in closer, Teddy's voice broke the spell of the moment, Y/N laughing as the boy crawled into the bed. 

Pancakes now, kisses later, that's what Harry's life became.

In all honest, he wouldn't have it any other way.

AN 2.0: did you like that? tell me in the comments! (and don't forget to vote. pretty please?)

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