my future is in your eyes

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or, the one where y/n just wants her boyfriend back, but Harry comes home thinking about what their next step is

"Told yeh to go to bed, love" his voice was low, his tone gentle as his baby nuzzled his shirt, grumbling something about being moved from the couch, her fingers pulling at the fabric "Shh, relax, bub. I'm home now"

"Missed you. Wanted to wait up"

"Missed you too, but it's over, yeah? Don't have to leave again for a month, promise" pulling the covers away, Harry sets her down on his bed as gently as he can, smiling at her when she tries to open her eyes but instead just rubs at them with her fingers, even the soft moonlight being too bright.

"Don't go" it comes out as a little whiny sound when his weight shifts as he gets up and starts undressing, her making grabby hands at him

"Just a second, bub. Want to get off this plane clothes" it looks like his plan to shower while she dozed off is going to have to change as the singer watches his girl roll over, all rosy cheeks and glossy eyes fighting to stay open.

"Hi" it's sweet and quiet, almost hesitant, almost like she thinks she's dreaming about him and that if she speaks too loud, he's gonna fade away

"Hi there, you" he bends over then, kisses her forehead, the tip of her nose, and finally her plump lips "Tired?"

"Yeah, work was insane today" she picks up extra shifts whenever he's away, Harry knows. He doesn't really fancy it, but she says she would rather stay busy than bother him when he's at the other side of the world, and he has yet to convince her she doesn't ever do that so that's an argument he's not won. Yet. The ring sitting in his suitcase might change things, the man thinks. "How's the flight?"

"Long. Could not wait to be home, if I'm honest" climbing in with only his briefs on, Harry stretches out on the matress, waiting for her to settle down as she cuddles close to him, her sweet smell helping relax his body.

He's missed this, going to a bed that smells like her, having little pieces of her all over the room, feeling her fingers trace the ink on his skin slowly as the seconds pass. This is home, he figures, this is what he's been craving for the weeks all he had was her voice luring him to sleep while she had just woken up.

This is why he did what he did, why he bought the ring even if he's terrified of actually asking her. He wants this, for as long as life will let him have it, with this girl: the girl who tries to pull him back to bed every single time his first alarm goes off in the morning, the girl who won't say a word if she has not had her coffee yet, the girl who steals all his hoodies and plays innoccent afterwards. The girl who can't cook to save her life. The girl that's the only person he wants to celebrate with whenever something good happens and the only one he wants to see when things are hard and messy.

"Hazz? You there, dimples?" her voice brings him off his own mind, her finger carding through his hair, pushing it off his eyes for him.

"Yeah, yeah. Just thinking, sorry m' love" his hand comes up to caress her face, tracing the features he's already memorized by now, but can never get enough of anyway: he knows she doesn't think she's special, doesn't get why he would want her when he could have anyone else, but that's just it. She's different. When he looks at her, he doesn't just see the pretty girl with kind eyes that he met in a little bookstore over a year ago, he sees the way her voice makes him feel, the way she fits in his arms, the way she lights up whenever there's a kid around. He sees the way she talks about her dream job, and all the stories there are inside that delightful mind, just waiting for her to tell them to the world. "Go back to sleep, baby. I'll be right here when you wake up"

When he looks at her, Harry sees his future.

And it starts with the morning.

AN: vote! comment! request! all feedback is appreciated and will make me love you, xxx

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