of tummy aches and unicorns

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or the one where Harry discovers something about the future in an unusual way

"Babe?" his voice sounded strained on the phone which got YN on alert, the manuscript she was making notes for being forgotten real quick

"Harry? Is everything alright? Are you ok?" they haven't seen each other for days now, both of their schedules a bit more hectic than they're used to, so, noticing how tired her boyfriend's voice sounds makes her heart ache.

"Yeah, love" if she closes her eyes she can see it: the way he runs his hand through his long locks, sighing into the speaker "I'm just fucking exhausted is all"

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not right now, no." there's rustling on the line, and then he speaks up again "Can you do me a favor? You mind going to Rosie's school for me? I just got a call telling me she's a bit under the wheater...."

"Sure!" she's out of her chair as soon as the words register on her brain, reaching for the car keys on the desk drawer, and the manuscripts she has to get back to her boss by Monday, the image of a blond little girl on her mind. "I think I can be there in 20 minutes top, I'm not sure if you have to let them know I'm coming"

"I put your name on her pick up sheet at the start of the school year...I should have told you that before, right? Asked you if that was ok... "

"Harry, breathe. It's ok."

"Shit, shit, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be asking you to do this, I never thought I would have to... you have work and class tonight but my mom is out of town and it would take me forever to get there with the bloody traffic in this city..."

"Harry, I said it's ok. I wanna help, alright? I'll call you when I get her home so you can say hi, how about that?" Rosie's almost four now, and she and YN have been growing closer and closer for the year they have known each other, she truly hopes the little one doesn't hate that it's her coming over, not her father.

She's really fallen for Harry, and she gets a little bit more enchanted by Rosie every time those giant green eyes look up at her...she wants this to work. Really, really do.

"You're an angel, did I tell you that?"

"Not today, you hadn't done that yet" she's chuckling when she gets in the car "I have to go now, dimples. I'll see you tonight, yeah?"

"It's a date. Drive safe, my love." he murmurs, and then the line goes dead.


YN gets to the infirmary of the giant building as soon as her legs will carry her, knocking on the half-closed door to get the nurse's attention.

"Hi, I'm YN. I'm here for Rosie?" the little girl snaps her head up when she hears her name, her curly hair in a bit of a mess, making a smile paint the woman's lips... Harry's the best father any kid could ask for, but his hairdressing skills...

"Oh right. The reception desk told us you were coming..." the red-headed woman is reading a file as YN enters the room, crouching down in front of the couch Rosie's at.

"YN!" her name is the last thing the poor kid can say before she starts crying, launching herself at the older one "my tummy hurts, YN"

"I know, lovie. It's gonna be ok, yeah? We're gonna fix it" she wasn't expecting such a welcome, but she guesses feeling poorly must make Rose more clingy, just like her daddy. "We're gonna get you home in a bit, it's ok" she's caressing her back now, getting up with the tiny body on her arms.

"We're fairly certain this is just a bug that seems to be going around the school, but you should watch her anyway" the nurse smiles at Rosie when the girl waves at her for a second, giving YN her fairy backpack

"I'll do it. Thanks for looking after her" and then she's walking out, little fingers carding through the locks of her hair.


Rosie fell asleep on the ride back, only opening her eyes long enough to be changed and take some strawberry flavored medicine, so YN had been working quietly on the living room floor ever since they got to the apartment when she hears a whimper coming from the hallway:

"Hi darlin" her voice is low and she smiles a bit watching the way the girl rubs at her eyes over and over "does your tummy feel better?"

"No" she's fisting an old blanket Harry says she got as a baby when she walks over, unicorn shorts making her seem smaller "I'm hungry"

"Let's find you a snack, then" she hugs YN's leg when the woman stands up, something she does whenever they are out and she wants Harry to pick her up but won't ask "you wanna help me find everything?" Rosie's nodding her head when the woman sets her on her hips, heading for the kitchen in search of the chicken soup she made earlier, the one thing she can really make.


Harry only makes it home late, and he feels like the worst father on earth when he does as well: he talked to his daughter on the bloody phone all day instead of looking after her, made his girlfriend lose class and ended up fucking up the deal he was supposed to settle for his company anyway.

He pretty much hates himself when he walks out of Rosie's room that night, five songs and two bedtime stories in.

"She went down ok?" YN's rubbing the towel over her wet hair when he gets in, pulling off his tie as if the piece of cloth was to blame for his crappy day.

"Yeah" his arms pull her close when she walks by him, the first moment of relaxation he's had all day, "Told me all about how you cooked, singed, and how much better than me at coloring princess' books you are. Thank you, baby"

"No need to thank me, H" she pulls him down for a kiss then, slow and sweet, her hands messing with his hair that's getting adorably long now "We had a great time, even if I hate that she felt sick"

"Really, thank you. You didn't have to."

"I know, but I want to" she says it firmly like she knows he needs the reassurance. She probably does. "Don't beat yourself up, alright? She's not gonna hate you because you got stuck at work once, Harry"

"I can't let that happen again. I'm all she has, YN. She needs to know she comes first" knocking up a gold digger might be the worst mistake he's ever made, but the guy won't let it get to his baby girl. Ever.

"She does. You do everything, H. You're always there, and she knows it. You're her whole world. You're her hero... She loves you"

"How are you even real?" she feels more than hears the question, his mouth brushing hers. "How did I get so lucky?" then he's kissing her again, purring passion and need into the contact, wanting to let go of everything that's not her for a while.

As time goes by, he remembers the sleepy words Rosie whispered to him in the dark, wanting to know if he thought YN could be the princess of their story, the one they had to look for together, the one who would give them a happy ending.

He can't wait to tell her he thinks it's time to stop looking, after all.

AN: vote, comment, and spread the word if you like the story...i'll be forever thankful. See you next time xx

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