the one where you like to push, but daddy still calls the shots

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warning: a bit of daddy kink, hinting of subdrop (but it doesn't really happen). enjoy!

YN liked to push. Loved it, really. Dating someone like Harry left her fully aware of how dangerous that could be. It didn't, however, mean that she would stop.

It was fun, you see? She thrived whenever he gave her that stern, warning look, the one that meant she was too close to crossing the lines they had defined together. There was nothing that felt better than the chill running down her spine when his jaw clenched, body going stiff because he had that iron control over himself, one that he refused to let go of. Unless they were alone, of course.

Going in, YN knew she would have to accommodate. He was Harry Styles after all, finally completely comfortable in his skin, finally free. So she had to learn how to share. Part of him, anyways. The rest of the world could be in awe of him, hell they could even be in love with him but she, oh, she was the one who got to see the man letting go of the walls he had to learn to put up when his life stopped being only his.

So yeah, she liked to push and be reminded that some things were only theirs.

It wasn't on purpose, not that day. The couple had been jumping from one continent to the next for almost a week, dealing with endless meetings and phone calls that couldn't be turned down because there was so much Harry had to get done now the album was finished...and YN was tired. And needy. So, when Jeff said his goodbyes after lunch and told them H could take the afternoon off, since all they had to deal with now was paperwork he still needed their legal team to look over, she got excited, thinking about all the possibilities now that it would be just them for a couple of hours. YN hugged her friend tight, smiling when he blinked at her because he knew where her mind was going and skipped her way to the car, pretending not to listen to Harry when he told her to be careful in case paps had already spotted his next location.

Her sudden spark of energy was short-lived, however, cause Harry joined her with his phone glued to his ear, and all she could do was sit there and pout as her boyfriend hooked it up on the dashboard, continuing his conversation as they drove away.


"Daddy, I wanna go home" YN usually refrained from using the term out in the world, except she had tried everything else to get his attention during the drive, Harry's only response being a quick smile whenever they hit a light. She wanted their bed and some cuddles, not to parade around looking at an expensive property when they didn't even need to.

"We'll make it quick, pet" his hand was a reassuring weight on her thigh as the man leaned his head back on the seat for a few seconds, eyes closed, basking in the warmth of the sun.

"Jeff said you were done for the day, didn't he?" she didn't even try fighting the edge on her voice when she asked it, knowing she would have to play nice once they got out of the car. "Why are we here, then?"

"Cause I got interrupted last time I came here, so I promised the guy we'd have a raincheck. Beautiful house, innit?" his free hand pointed to the mansion at the same time YN leaned over to the driver's side, fingers pulling at his shirt untile let her kiss him, whining needy pleas against his lips in an effort to change his mind "That's enough now, baby" the singer pulled back when he heard another car pulling up, not keen on giving a free show to the real estate agent "Need my girl to be good, yeah?" the ever-present rings dig into the skin of her legs when he muttered the command against her ear, walking out of the car without giving her a chance to respond.

If she was stomping her feet when she followed, well, Harry was too busy charming yet another person to notice.


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