the one where you need a distraction

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She started trembling the minute she could see the aircraft waiting for them, her hands going clamy on Harry's hold: the girl knew about the trip for about a month now, and really, there was nothing she wanted more than the opportunity to get away from the dreadful weather hovering over England with her boyfriend, not having to share him with work or anything else for a whole week...but she was terrified.


YN had never been on a plane before, was the thing. Fear of heights was very much a reality in her life, so she made sure to avoid getting anywhere near a huge machine with wings attached to it, thank you very much.

"You sure that's safe?" the wind carried her voice over when she pointed to the iron structure, right before stepping into the stairs that would lead them inside.

"One hundred percent, love" his arm wrapped around her when Harry turned to his girl with a smile on his rosy lips

"But you said it was her first ride, didn't you? What if something goes wrong? We should wait until we can get tickets, H" the private jet belonged to one of his friends, part of a new luxury line he wanted to invest in, so he borrowed it hoping to hear their opinion before closing the deal.

"She's been tested beforehand, pet. We'll be fine, yeah?" leaning down, the man kissed her for a lingering moment, pecking her cheeks multiple times as he worked his way to whisper in her ear: "you've finally let me spoil you, gotta make the most of it now"

Then, he was walking up, their fingers still firmly laced together... she had no choice but to follow.

Rich people were insane, YN thought after they greeted the flying crew and she got a chance to look around the space, all plush seats, clear leather, polished wood and even what looked like a bar on the far corner.

"Not bad for a rockstar, huh?" the playful tone paired with the dramatic way he pulled up his sunglasses before pulling her to him made her laugh as the door closed

"I'm curious for the kind of fortune that buys you this, but I'm not about to ask" a blond flight attendant walked by them when Harry sat down, pulling her to his lap, smiling when she saw the girl blushing

"It's a good investment, babe. Rumor has it, there's even a bed through there" the grin on his lips twisted into a fake painful expression when she slapped his arm "heeey, I'm just saying"

"Not happening, sir. You keep your hands to yourself for the next 7 hours" her voice was firm, but she cuddled closer to his chest when they announced the door was closing.

"You gotta let me go now, baby. We're taking off in a few" placing her on the seat to his left, Harry made quick work of fastening her belt before sitting down to work on his own "don't worry, we can cuddle again as soon as we're up. Know you've been wanting to catch up on that new Netflix show, 've even made sure they stock up on sour candy" he kept his voice soft as the pilot started off on the announcements about the flight, caressing her hand where she was clutching to the armrest, tight smile plastered on her mouth as she tried to put up a strong front

Didn't work. The tears came as soon as the pressure shifted, wheels sliding off the ground as her breath became labored, chest tightening as it sped up, her mind flooding with horrifying images YN just couldn't stop from flashing before her eyes.

"Baby? Baby, it's alright. Sweetheart, can you look at me?" he was out of his seat before she was able to find her voice again, warm hands cupping her face as he kneeled in front of her "pet, you need to breathe. In and out, can you do that for me?" Harry had to repeat it a couple times, but eventually the words registered for her, his voice breaking through the wave of sheer panic she couldn't fight on her own, long fingers brushing away the fresh tears as they came, his own heart hammering against his chest when she tried to hide from him as if she was embarrassed about something she had no control over, arms wrapping around his neck. "It's over now, love. All done, yeah?" he felt her nodding as he carried them back to the seat, reclining it a bit so she could rest atop of him, caressing the spam of her back slowly, humming a new melody he had been working on under his breath so she had something to focus on as she calmed down.

They didn't talk about it. She was spent after her panicked outburst, and Harry was glad to just have her close, his own mind filling with guilt for scaring her like that. It was calm before the storm, but it was enough.

They had each other, after all.

AN: First post of the year! Please, comment and vote, help more people find the story! I'll see you with another one soon!

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