the one with the small accident

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or, the one with some angst and a worried sick boyfriend

She felt off the moment she opened her eyes in the morning, Harry a beautiful mess sitting by her side, making the plush mattress dip as he coaxed her up after his early run, his hands rubbing up and down her naked back, YN's head spinning as soon as she sat up, even the sound of the bathroom door closing behind him after a quick kiss making her wince.

It was gonna be a long day, the woman realized, as she blinked the sleepiness away, deciding to do her best to act normal: she still remembered the frown on Jeff's face the night Harry told him she was going to come along for the first dates of tour... the last thing they needed now was finding out she was getting sick two weeks in.

Also, it couldn't be so serious that a couple of ibuprofen and hot chocolate wouldn't be able to fix, right?


The hot beverage felt nice, but she threw it up in a matter of minutes, crawling back to the breakfast table with a lie about an urgent call and a friend with boyfriend issues on the tip of her tongue so Harry wouldn't ask too many questions, focusing on the way his arms felt around her waist when she rested her head on his shoulder, his voice lulling her to a slumbering state as the girl thanked the heavens for his busy schedule rather than dwell on it for once.

Hours felt like days as the couple ran around town, trying to get a feeling for the place while the team made sure everything was alright for the concert, YN eventually having to admit to a slight headache once the sound of the drums going through a rundown for soundcheck brought tears to her eyes, forcing her to slump into Harry's heat and give in when he suggested she went back to the hotel and took a nap, worry clouding the sea of green she called home as he put her in a car and watched it drive away

She was supposed to come back for the show, it was the thing. There was a text promising she would be there, sent as soon as YN got in bed, an alarm set and everything.

Yet, she never did: falling asleep took ages with the way the room was spinning under her closed eyelids, her stomach churning on itself, the alarm doing nothing to her exhausted body. By the time the woman rose from her slumber, Harry was going mid-concert already, probably worried out of his mind, if the dozens of texts and missed calls were any indication.

It happened in the bathroom: she felt sticky and gross, so she went there in hopes the warm water would do what modern medicine couldn't and sort her back up, but she was so scared by the ghostlike figure staring back at her on the mirror she knocked over a glass cup sitting on the marble sink, the noise from it startling her further.

She must have slipped, or this is what she thought happened: one second she was shrinking away from the loud shattering, the next had her grasping weakly at something that would keep her upright before darkness took over.

"Wake up! Please wake up." Harry panicked a little bit more every time he had to repeat the words, kneeling on the bathroom floor on his pink glittery suit, his baby's body just laying there, a gush on the side of her forehead making his heart race. He could hear Jeff's voice through the door, rushing the help as his trembling fingers brushed away her hair from her face, too scared to move her and make it worse "Baby please, you're scaring me now. Please, wake up" the man kept begging. This was his fault. He never should've let her leave on her own if it was clear she wasn't feeling well.

"H...Harry?" her voice was small, and she blinked against the lights to stare at him "I'm sorry, H" he froze when she sat up, grabbing her hand before she could touch the cut on her head "What happened? Harry...are you crying?" he should stop her when she moved closer, but his body needed her like it needed fucking air, so he let her hug him, muttering a thousand apologies into her ear.

The EMT guys found them there minutes later, Harry pressing a wet towel to her cut as she sat on his lap, telling him all about how bad she'd felt throughout the day...YN wouldn't be out of his sight anytime soon, that was for sure.

AN: comment, vote, maybe spread the word about the story if you liked it? Pretty please?

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